Maybe I'm just blind, but I don't see how the panel below the steering wheel opens to access the ODB port to try out Carista. I played around with the little plastic piece that sticks out and tugged without luck. I could find any YouTube videos either. Can anyone provide some guidance?
I did this yesterday without any problem. You shouldn't have to remove anything to access the ODB2 port. It is located above your feet, just below where all the plastic covering stops.. Get down on the floor and look up - you should see the white connector about in-line with the steering wheel. You will notice that it is installed at a funny angle.
Thanks everyone. So I tried the Carista app and expected to pay $20 for pro features but it appears they jacked up the pricing. It's $10 for 7 day access or $40 for a year. I feel jipped. Are there any other apps that will work with the Carista device and allow changing customizations