at first it was leaking coolant very slowly,then making the rattling engine noise at low rpm then a part flew off while on the highway gushing out oil.Time for a new used engine.Planning on diy if all else fails off the junker.230,000 miles on odo.
Wow, sorry to hear that. From your description, it was probably a head gasket failure. Once coolant/water entered the combustion chamber/cylinders, the engine threw a rod, that's when the oil started leaking out of the engine.
Prius engine 1.8 in Complete Engines | eBay Most are pick-up only so you will want to see how close you are.
Doesn't Japan have some silly law about only allowing engines to be used until 100,000 kilometers? I've heard this is why used replacement engines are relatively affordable on Japanese vehicles. Strange that the Prius would just detonate like that. It's common for a Subaru to loose a head gasket, but haven't heard of it on the Prius before.
It would make for an interesting DIY thread..... (EDIT: no....not grenading an engine, but replacing it with a used motor.)
Hi all, earlier this week I was talking with the local hybrid taxi mechanic in my area who is responsible for around 100 vehicles, he mentioned the 30 series prius do sometimes pop head gaskets, he also mentioned their fleet of 30 series cabs have been killing traction batteries way faster than the 20's ever did.. I recall there was a 30 series on ebay about a month ago with a blown hg, I think this is going to end up common for 30's as they get older. cheers ..
Is it completely cost prohibitive to replace the head gasket? Would that be due to warping, need to machine the head? The engines that are available, are some of them refurbs that went through a head gasket replacement? Or mostly salvage?
I thought it was because the engine is tucked so far under the cowl that it must be removed in order to remove the head. True?
interesting. according to: Why Head Gaskets Fail HG can fail when there is preignition due to EGR system not working. Well, the 2nd gen didn't have EGR and the 3rd gen has EGR valve/cooler that plugs up often. One more reason to take the EGR valve/cooler apart every 100,000 miles to clean it up.
Pairing the egr cooler cleaning with the coolant flush would save a step in the process. But a great catch and suggestion.