I have yet to find a good explanation of how exactly the ECO Score works and how to maximize it. I can routinely get good start scores (90+) by employing steady, moderate acceleration. My cruise scores are not quite as good, but that is usually traffic dependent (i.e. forced deceleration/acceleration). The one that baffles me is the stop score. I've tried and long, slow stops and shorter, abrupter ones -- even shifting to engine breaking -- and nothing seems to consistently deliver good scores. I've gotten a stop score of 4/5 once or twice, and it seems like they are associated more with longer, slower deceleration, but I have tried replicating what I thought worked, only to then get a 2/5. Thoughts?
You should try to time your stopping so that you are using regenerative braking right until near the end of the stop (<7 mph, I believe). The longer you use the regenerative braking as you come to a stop (you can of course monitor the relative level of charge your braking is providing), the higher your ECO brake score.
I have tried that, but it hasn't yielded consistent results. Have you been able to consistently get 4s and 5s?
I found this post by sipnfuel in another thread...I shall have to try it and see where it gets me. "One thing is as your speed steadily declines, you have to press the pedal down further in order to maximize regenerative braking. I dont' know the exact reason, but partly it is because the battery can only accept 21 kW of power. So the stopping force with regenerative brakes varies inversely with the speed you are traveling at to stay in this power limit. Most people like to brake in a "linear" fashion, that is with a constant deceleration, or where the pedal position is constant. If done in this fashion, the Prius will use friction brakes at higher speeds. It takes a lot of getting used to, in order to maximize regen from a high speed with limited distance. You are not slowing down as quickly as you want at first, then you have to decelerate more quickly at the end. I've learned or gotten used to how much distance I need to stop from about 45 mph using regen alone, which is the typical high speed for me during city driving. I guesstimate it is about 70 yards. Technically it should take more than 100 yards, but there are many other losses involved, including friction brakes always taking over below 7 mph. But in this way I can glide up to that point and then start regen."
Consistently? No, because road/travel conditions don't always allow it. The more gradual my stop (and the more I use regenerative braking), however, the higher my score is generally speaking. EDIT: That looks like good advice actually.
Yeah, I think it may be that I am exceeding the 21kW when I start braking, so I'll have to try starting lighter. Thanks for the input.