iplug got it right. 5% is generation. Capacity is much higher, but sometimes the energy can't get to the right part of the grid so the turbines don't generate, which is a problem ERCOT (texas grid) is working on, and sometimes coal pays wind not to produce. If all the energy from wind turbines made it to customers then there would be about 35% of name plate capacity generated and used.
That's good if they always tell us actual and installed. Of course each power source has different actual and installed.
Where is this thinking stated? If I'm going to think Musk is guilty of using the government as his bouncer, I want to make sure it if because of what he said. Note that Musk really hammers making rockets affordable at Space-X, because the entrenched corporations (ULA) are using the government as their bouncer to inflate prices. CARB has used regulations to double cross Tesla as well. Various Public Utility Commissions seem to advocate for regulations favoring utility energy instead of sustainable energy....so I will agree the utilities don't want to go in the same direction as Musk. So Musk depending on utility regulations as a business basis would clearly be a (sad) change of Musk thinking.
No tea leaf reading necessary. The Other Side of the Solar Firestorm in Nevada - Fortune Billionaires Musk And Buffet Go To War Over Solar Subsidies | The Daily Caller Musk is actively politicking big time for solar subsidies to continue to be high. Being the largest shareholder in solar city this is rather enlightened self interest. As a on again off again owner of telsa, I hate the idea of musk using tesla to buy solar city and to push solar cities political agenda. I'm pro solar, but really in many cases new wind or ccgt natural gas make more sense for a region, and can cut pollution and ghg a lot cheaper than solar subsidies. Solar city is not currently profitable, and it likely will lose market value if favorable regulation is not continued. Power wall and tesla cars and space X don't really care about net metering. In fact the power wall might sell better without net metering, but will do better if utilities start buying peak power at honest costs, or if electricity prices rise greatly. That requires changes in regulation, and I would bet mr. musk will be pushing for regulatory changes to help solar city and tesla in many states.
I like the "Label" our so-called neutral media feel compelled to provide their readers with the term .... "liberal billionaires". Is that phrase supposed to evoke a pavlovian response? Ie; "conservitive middle class & conservitive billionaires & conservative poor" must now shout in unison - "to arms against liveral billionaires !! ". How come just THOSE two "liberal billionaires" are the only ones that'd fight the utility's death grip. Oh i forgot - the regulators & the utility ALWAYS look out for us little guy's best interest Jeez from the article; Well yea, go figure ... solar & PV companies & indivuduals shell out big dough for the hope they'll at least find a marginal return on their products ... & some (or many?) aer actually trying to put their money where their mouths are, collaterally hoping to reduce pollution / emissions. Now they find that the power utility see their monopoly being threatened. More renewable power coming onto the grid equals less profit for the incompetent - well paid utility exec's who'd spend more time assuring their salleries (already in the millions ) get jacked ever upward rather than replacing ancient transformers already past their life expectancy. Let the dirty tactics begin. First, lobby / advertise how those rotten scoundrel Greenies "pay nothing for power" (opposition won't tell you about renewable investors' huge capitol outlay for their 'free' power) - & so the poor defenseless utility will have to raise poor peoples' rates. Poor poor utility companies - their hands are tied. Surprise surprise ... follow the money. Make renewables less financially attractive, & assure the status quo stays status quo. And that works in the short term for some ... .
Well warren buffet definitely fits the liberal billionaire. He calls himself liberal and a democrat, is a billionaire, and supports liberal causes while making money often by running environmentally questionable businesses. Musk, I'd call him an independant. He says he is liberal socially and consevative financially. He is definitely an environmentalist, but does not support many liberal fiscal policies. Styer and Koch brothers are really the pavlovian liberal versus conservative billionaires. Koch brothers are so conservative they hate trump, so there you go. It was asked, what made me think Musk was lobbying for solar subsidies. Well I gave links. I don't think anyone should be surprised. He wants laws favoring solar cities business model and has a lot invested. Solar per kwh is the most subsidized power in the US, and the one that most needs it. The question is should the subsidies really go to companies like solar city, or legions of contractors and solar owners. In Nevada it definitely seems like the state was robbing peter (non solar utility customers) to pay paul (solar city). Solar can be installed faster with a leased model, with money transfers, but perhaps the ownership model is the one subsidized. Yes that helps the richer home and business owner instead of solar city share holders, but it likely would increase non solar rates less. billonaire Buffet against billionaire Musk, why can't we have a reasonable rate(?) with billionaires spending so much to sway politicians. OK back to the popcorn. I'd rather solar city gets the money than bp, who used to get lots of the solar subsidies but built less for it.
Just as not all oily & utility exec's are spawned from the pit of hell - there's no perfect solution to the opposing lobbies trying so hard on both sides to protect their own interests & beat the other 'power' side back. .
Some fun charts to browse on individual state electricity source generation over the last 2 decades: How Does Your State Make Electricity? - The New York Times
Would be nice to see more renewables in Massachusetts by this point, but there is much to be encouraged by. Natural gas has displaced almost 100% of coal and oil generation there. Was surprised to see 22% from petroleum in 2001 in a non-island/non-isolated state. Also solar PV is taking hold and growing rapidly. Expect off shore wind to pickup over the next few years.
Offshore (RI and MA) recent wind leases, and their interaction with fisheries: Offshore wind developers ante up at auction of leases near Block Island - News - providencejournal.com - Providence, RI
Much more informative on wind lease. Squid-protection program. Whatever. The U.S. Just Finalized The Largest Offshore Wind Sale in the Nation's History
Fierce bidding and able to command much more $$ to lease these waters in just a few years... This would strongly suggest offshore wind developers have earnestly started to master the technology and process. Like offshore oil drilling, there is plenty of energy to harvest in the ocean regions with the right technology (and permits). Suspect most experts would agree the environmental downsides to wind harvesting in such places is considerably better than oil.
I think that underwater supports of offshore wind sticks ought to be designed so that coral reefs and other well-liked things prefer to grow upon them.
Virginia has offshore wind supporters, including the Gov and Dominion utility. Here it is viewed as business opportunity for the state. The issue of cost is not discussed much, but the rate payers would have to pay it, which is why Dominion is supportive. Also we are graduating from purple/southern state to blue northeast state, planning soon to join RGGI with other northeast states. 2 test wind turbines I think 10MW each are to be built. Hurricane strength is a need.