Hello everyone, this is my first post after checking advice on this excellent site for years. My family members have had 4-5 different models of Prius starting from 2002 or so, we are huge fans! I'm currently in the market for a used car. Normally, I'd be priced out of buying even an older, used Prius, but my sister just asked if I'd like to buy her (mostly) well-maintained 2011 Prius Two with (edit part 1!! not 77k but...) 70k miles. Edit part 2: Oops, I deleted a sentence about an accident. She apparently had an accident that caused "major cosmetic damage," if it's the incident I remember she scraped the driver's side doors pretty badly but it was repaired. The Kelly Blue Book value is between $8-10K - her and her husband want around 9k. That's the max limit on my budget but could be worth it, since I plan to keep the car for many years and have driven it myself already many times. I have two questions: 1. From what I can see here and elsewhere online, for this mileage it seems to be a pretty good deal. All the other Prius/Toyota benefits (reliability, mileage, room, etc.) suit my needs very well. We're located in CA so we apparently even have the longer battery warranty (150k miles or 10 years). Besides maybe getting an inspection if there wasn't one after the accident, there anything else I should be considering? 2. I'd really like XM/satellite radio (and nav system, if it's bundled), but as I understand the Trim Two Prius does not have this included. From this site, I see that I could probably install it, but I haven't found much about the 2011 Two trim. Is there a "preferred way" to go about this upgrade? Thanks for reading!
Thanks! Not sure about what kind of accident but I will ask and update. She mentioned it was "major cosmetic damage." If it's the incident I remember, she'd scraped the side doors pretty bad when exiting a parking garage. Edit: updated the original post, sorry!
thanks. there should be a report somewhere with all the repairs. if it has been running fine, it's probably not an issue.
Just chatted with her, accident was indeed the scraping which has been fully repaired/reported etc. No issues whatsoever otherwise.
she's your sister. i doubt an inspection is necessary. about the radio, you may want to look around for a whole new model, rather than upgrade toyota, which are mediocre at best. only things not sure about steering wheel controls with other products.
I'm holding the best navigation and satellite radio player on the planet. It's my smartphone. Do yourself a favor, get a Bluetooth aux adapter and phone holder. I have a GPS and satellite radio in my car. It's absolute garbage and I wish I didn't have to pay for it. The biggest annoyance is I can't use the built in navigation while in motion and voice commands doesn't understand me. Siri and Cortana understands me just fine. Every time I go under a bridge or drive next to big trees, I lose satellite radio. Streaming off my phone maintains continuous audio except where I don't have connection which is a rare thing indeed.
Thanks for the replies! Hmm good idea with the smartphone, since ~$1500 is way out of my budget anyway, although I'll still look into it. I guess I can find the Rosen on Ebay for about $700, I'll keep it in mind.
my god why would anyone want the nav / xm radio anymore mmmodem has it right, get bluetooth adapter ($20) and use your phone. Maps always up to date and no need to pay for updates. I'd never pay for radio. Use pandora, google music, spotify whatever from your phone, if you hate commericals pay for one of those services. save tons of money.
I have an old iPod I was about to retire because the battery doesn't last very long. I put it in the center console and plugged it into the USB port. There it stays unless I want to add music. SPH-L720T ?