In another Prius 16 forum someone said: Stay away from Sea Side Perl. Is there any rational behind it? This is actually the color I am looking at if I buy 2016 Prius.
I'm not sure why Sea Glass Pearl would be a bad choice. I knew it would be the one for me as soon as I saw it was one of the color choices.
Sea Glass Pearl? (Seaside Pearl is the light blue on the 2004-2009 Prius) Not sure. Colour is a subjective thing so I would see the colour in real life if you have any doubts. Sea Glass Pearl is also available on the Prius v and 2012-2015 Prius (if there are used ones on the lot)
Not sure which color I should get. Thinking about Blizzard Pearl and Midnight Black. Don't want to spend each day washing a car (once a week) and lil' bit afraid that after one day midnight black will look worse than blizzard pearl. Any thoughts, regrets from having/not having one or another color from current owners? Thanks.
I originally wanted Blizzard Pearl. I've had black cars... and although beautiful, they do require allot of work (so does white - but to a lesser degree). However, when I saw Magnetic Grey Metallic for the first time in person... I gravitated to it immediately. After much consideration, that's what I ended up with... and have been completely happy .
well, i've never owned a black car and therefore have no idea when it starts looking ugly. Don't want to make a bad decision on the first new car. When I see cars on the road and/or parked I find the white to be dirtier than black ones. I wonder if it'd be okay if I washed it once a week. Maybe the dirtiness is subjective and black car washed once a week would look absolutely fine to me, but insane amounts of negative feedback on black cars gives me some doubts. I was sold on Magnetic Grey too. Although, when I heard an estimate when it will be arriving, I've changed my mind. It'd take 4 months to arrive from the factory. Not worth the wait, in my opinion.
I really love my Blizzard Pearl. And yes, I wash my car just about once a week. I have a black Avalon Hybrid that does look dirtier (from a reasonable distance) when the two cars are equally dirty. My 2008 Prius was Magnetic Grey and didn't show dirt until it was "caked". But the color never "popped" the way my current two do.
I wash it like once a quarter... It rains enough already and the automatic wash centers (the only legal and possible way I can wash it) are not the best for the paint, no matter how good they are. Don't you guys have a license plate on the front bumper at all?
Can you wash with waterless car washes? (like Optimum No Rinse?) Ok they use a little bit of water but you don't need a hose. Some states (and Canadian provinces/territories) do not require a front licence plate.
I have never heard or seen them in EU... In another post, there was a reference that the Toyota ProTect actually saves you going to the car wash as rain essentially does the job really well. I hope it is true - some money saved and probably after a few years I will have offset the 499€ I had to pay for it
So you need a bucket of water but that's it - one bucketful No Rinse Wash and Shine Looking on YouTube, some people mist the paint with water (just a regular spray bottle) before wiping with ONR.
I bought the Prius 3 in seaglass pearl yesterday, yay! I wish it were a tad more blue than green, but I think it's a very cute color. I asked the sales guy if it is a popular color and he said, not really, and that most stick with the classic colors (white, black, red) as confirmed in this poll. The only reason I can think to avoid it is that maybe the color would make it difficult to resell since it only appeals to certain tastes. Here's mine.
When I was shopping for my new Prius, there were a whole bunch in Sea Glass Pearl. The salesman said that it had been a very popular color with Prius owners. I liked the color but found it a tad dull. However, when I saw one driving on the road (one of only about three Gen 4s I've seen!) I thought it looked really nice.
I've always wanted a Prius in British Racing Green but recently I've changed my mind and want one in Baby Blue.
I wash my white car on Monday, and it's dirty again on Tuesday! I'm tired of washing it so often, so now I just wipe the windows every day... and only wash it about twice a month. It's no big deal. The "newness" has worn off. And a dirty car is the least of my worries. (We are in a 5-year severe drought. But people still waste water like crazy.)
Here are a couple photoshopped pics I did of a sea glass Pearl Prius four with moonstone interior that I was considering. I shopped tint and roof wrap onto it. I think it's a great color! I really like how it tends to change color somewhat depending on the lighting. I.e. It could appear slate like in the morning and evenings and sparkle during the day....Granted we currently own a similar in color clearsky metallic v, so we are somewhat biased Let me know what you all think pls..