I don't know how I've managed to garner the benevolence of the Svelte Dianne, but somehow she has stepped in and taken care of me. Sometime this month, there will be a Salsa 9 camped in my parking space!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: As I hear the sound of Marlon Brando with cottonballs in his mouth say "Someday I may come to you with a favor. If that were to happen, remember this day"; all I've got to say is, Dianne, if my wife wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, I would tattoo your name on my biceps.
!!!! Congrats Manny! Maybe you could name the Prius "Dianne"? That way your wife might be less jealous when you get that tattoo
That's great. Dianne did us all a favor because we were all in pain over this. Thank you for rescuing Manny, Dianne!
Any time I've ever talked about a tattoo, her response is always the same, "Oh god, Manny. How's that going to look when your 70?"
Congratulations Manny. I'm glad your story is going to have a happy ending after all. Just for fun, you should drive your new Salsa 9 to Vandergriff (or something like that) Toyota to get your deposit back. Glenn
It was a "good faith deposit" so the check was never cashed. The cehcek was sent back to me. However, I have thought about doing a drive by mooning :mrgreen:
Congrats!!!, Everyone has been pulling for you. And to Vandergriff/(Vandergraft) :tomato: :guns: :silly:
woohoo!!!! :clap: :multi: :clap: I am so happy for you Manny. Yay Dianne for helping!!!! :clap: :multi: :angel: shona
An extra special thanks also goes to Mr Nathan (naterprius) who was working me in through a Boulder dealer. Offend him and feel my wrath!!!!!!