So I bought some LEDs to do some minor replacements and did the map lights and the trunk/luggage light and moved up to replace the Backup bulbs. I see in the manual this is a "do it yourself" maintenance option and I removed the 2 10mm bolts then tried prying (with my home made plastic pry stick) and re read the direction, still no luck. I even found an online explanation. They were all similar stating the assembly is held on by a couple of pins and to pry "carefully", which I did, without success. I'm wondering if others ran into a similar situation and is it a matter of a bit more muscle? TIA
So, I finally figured it out I stumbled on an online video showing the removal and saw the guy was using light rubber gloves and thought I'd try that to give me some better traction holding the fixture to pull it out and that worked. I was able to pull the top pin out, which is located very close to the top and once that came out the bottom one came out with a bit of jiggling.The LEDs I bought to replace the map lights were not brighter than the existing BU lights so now to get brighter lights and replace them, now that I know how to remove the fixture. I'm updating because no one replied and from that I assumed no one had done this so I'm passing on what I learned.
Yeah you really gotta pull on them. They are tight. Wish I would've seen this sooner I could've helped. I will say invest in Phillips/Sylvania LEDs or you won't be happy IMO.