One of the issues with my new-to-me car is that the hard plastic thing that hangs under the front bumper got caught up on a speed bump by the PO. Yes, that's black gorilla tape keeping it together. And yes, the guy at the inspection station joked, "What's with the tape? Racing stripes!?" My questions are, what is that thing, can I just remove it and what is its purpose? I'm mobile right now and searching via mobile is frustrating. Fone ?
i think it's aero, plus some protection from stones. i would get a new one, but you can just yank it off if you want to.
I would attempt to reafix it with a better solution than Gorilla tape. Some drilling and Pop riveting might be in order. The other alternative would be to buy a new panel and the proper plastic snaps. You certainly don't want that thing ripping away at highway speed and causing further damage to the undercarriage.
You might just be missing some fasteners. In your first pic you can see some nylon pieces that fasteners screw into, if I'm not mistaken. Drop into a dealership and they can help sort out what's needed. Basically: you've gotta get out of duct tape mode, get sensible about it, lol. If you do pull it off you might start a cascade: the pieces under there are layed like shingles. With the front piece missing the next one in line will start acting like an air scoop.
I'd be careful at highway speeds, it could start a cascade of panels spontaneously detaching if wind gets under it and tears it off. Either fix it - or lots more duct tape
Truer words. A dealer visit is a wise idea, thanks. Yikes! What is is with everyone being so anti duct tape? Lol! I appreciate the feedback. I'll check with a dealer and get their thought$. I did see a junk yard on my way home from work and might call them to see if they have this/these part/parts. Fone ?
Duct tape is a good idea until you have that permanently fixed. I had that happen to me when I was driving my parents' Prius one time at 80 when the driver's side wheel well splash shield came off the front bumper and created this horrible sound at 80MPH. Thankfully there was a truck stop (was 5 hours away from home) nearby and I bought some duct tape and taped the panel to the bumper since the pavement wore off a lot of the plastic. That did the job until we got the splash shield replaced a week later.
It would be more secure if you tucked it over the front piece. It's supposed to be "on top" of the front lip as I recall. It bends a lot without breaking.
^ These bits are nylon blocks that should be pushed into openings in what's above, plus the (Toyota spec rusty) coarse thread screws that screw into them, securing the (now dangling) front trim piece. I'd disassemble everything, try pushing the nylon blocks back into their openings (hopefully not torn), and then then start screwing the front piece on properly. If anything's completely torn out or missing, hie thee to the dealership parts department, they'll be able to find it. If the front trim piece itself has tears, you might be able to repair it from the back side, with something like pipe hanger strapping with pop rivets, or bumper repair adhesive with fiberglass mesh. It doesn't have to look good, it's on the inside. And the whole thing is down so low, it's really not noticeable. Or carry on with the duct tape, your call.
Definitely perform a better repair job than just duct tape. As mentioned, if you leave it like that it'll eventually scoop up enough air to rip the entire under engine cover off, along with whatever collateral damage may occur.
At the dealer now to look at the bumper spoiler and thankfully it just needed a few bolts replaced along with the clips. The guy who had it before must have really took a speed bump way too fast. The service guy looked at it, had a chuckle and said, "never saw that before." He really liked the duct taped look. Fone ?
Actually, now that my car is a "duct tape free zone" any recommendations on what to use to get off the glue/residue left behind by duct tape? Something like Goof Off? Fone ?
Goof off more than likely will work fine and not damage the paint. Test a non visible area first just to be prudent. Believe it...WD40 will also work just takes some additional "elbow grease". 3M also makes a professional adhesive remover chemical. Use a micro fiber towel in all cases would be a suggestion too. PS Racing stripe...I laughed thank you.
A slow drying, low flash point solvent like BBQ lighter fluid works to keep the glue softened for easy removal. Try it! You'll like it!
I think one company threw in the towel: made a tape called "duck" tape. Duct Tape, Packaging Tape | Duck® Brand
I did a refurb on our central heating ductwork a few years back, learned the LAST stuff you want to use is duct tape, lol.