I was changing the cabin air filter in the prius today and when I took out the glove box this thing came out. I am not sure what it does or where it goes... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It goes on the right side of the glove box, it's to provide the glove box with a little support do it doesn't come crashing down when you open it
Feel good about the thread. It reminds the rest of us to watch out for that part when we check our filters.
Threads are free. We will just make more, we won't run out. What will happen is that we will get side tracked and before you know it your thread will be discussing things no normal human ever wondered about. (Now making the same thread in multiple forums, THAT we get grumpy about!)
ROFLOL! I've noticed that. Guess that's why I still hang around. Re: the original post. Mine never fell off, but I have forgotten to reattach it a time or two.
One half of the stud on the side of my glove box started to come off, not totally, just enough to allow the "piston" to slip off by itself. I tried to repair it using a pencil eraser and some glue, to no avail. Now I just leave the "piston" hanging from the non-glove box stud and remember to carefully open the lower glove box. No big whoop - I'll take another stab at it once the weather warms up. Bad design...
Remove the original post, drill a hole through at that location, and install a bolt with locknuts both sides, to act as a pin? Just a thought. Would look kind of funky though.