How do I default the search result to most recent instead of relevance? I searched "Tesla" titles only and the first result is a thread started and ended in 2008. Almost all the results are at least a year old.
Just above the search button, there is the choice of most recent, most replies, and relevance. Doesn't seem you can change it on the search results page.
Or try Google's site search option, with a search string such as: site(colon) tesla [replace (colon) with a colon, have to post it like that otherwise you get a smiley] You can then refine the results using the standard Google tools such as past month, past week, etc.
Search Results for Query: Tesla | PriusChat Use the Advanced search. Keywords: Tesla Search titles only: Check that box At the bottom, check the radio button "most recent"
That's what I always have to do and it's a pain in the arse. There's already a search box at the top of the page. I want to be able to use that search and default to most recent instead of relevance. I'm seeing a few users resurrecting old threads. Kudos to them for using the search function. Shame on Priuschat for digging up ancient thread and post them as top result.
You also need to use to broad general forum search and not a specific sub forum. Have that issue all the time. Was able to locate the Prius Continental thread doing this.
I usually just use google, begin the search text with "priuschat". Much better odds of finding what you're looking for.
I know this is from over the summer, but I changed some of the parameters for the search engine today. It's still set to relevancy, but I've enabled recency weighted relevant searching. Now relevance-based searches will take document recency into account and provide more weight to more recent documents (threads).