Hello, My mother has a 2016 Prius 3 and I sometimes drive it. I've test driven a Volt and a Tesla some time ago and I know the electric motor in those were much, much quieter. When the car is regenning to a stop or accelerating from a stop in EV mode, I can hear the whine of the motor easily, it is very loud. I know the 2nd and third gen have a high pitched whine that we are all familiar with. This sound is different, a different motor I'm sure than the older Pri. But they if anything, have made the main electric motor louder, IMO. Do you agree? With the accelerator to the floor from a stop, I can hear the electric motor(s) whine audibly with the engine roaring away! I think that was with the window down. Sounds pretty good then. But it's very audible even with the slightest of acceleration in EV mode at low speeds (no, not the pedestrian speaker). I know some early Volts had the bearing cage issue, where it made a sound as if the main electric motor was way louder, but it doesn't sound like that or anything that would make me think it is a lemon. So probably all of yours have the same noise pollution. EDIT: That brake booster vacuum pump. Just a little obnoxious. Could be variable speed.
I have a 2015 prius and a fiat 500e. As far as using the electric motor to accelerate, i feel like the prius is quieter, but I would assume that is the case because the battery can't deliver as much power to motor. So I would assume they're the same. Regenerative braking I have noticed the prius is much louder than the fiat. In the fiat, you don't even hear it, but in the prius you can hear the whine of the motor especially at high speeds.
My gen3 was really loud and noisy compared to gen4. You could hear the inverters quite distinctively. I haven't really noticed them yet on the gen4. What is more high pitched now instead is the gearing that spins at higher average speeds than gen3. And actually when the gas engine starts, I don't hear the inverters at all anymore. Otherwise said, the Gen4 is overall much quieter. When I test drove it, getting back to my Gen3 my first thought was "man it [gen3] is loud!"
I hate to point this out... but the thread title is asking us to compare the electric motor to a Volt or Tesla. Yet, the actual Poll is about comparing it to past Synergy Drive motors.
i can't really hear the motors on the pip, compared to the road noise. at low speed, all is pretty quiet. i have heard volt has better sound proofing, and of course, tesla.
That's a good point. I have only driven a 3rd gen Prius very briefly, but hard to think the gen 4 is quieter but I guess I am wrong. I really think they could have made it much quieter. Yes, so those who have tried out a Volt or other EV or EV-ish vehicle, is a gen 4 Prius quieter, the same or louder ? Seperately, what about the brake booster vacuum pump?
keep in mind, toyota is trying to keep weight down for better mpg's. ev's don't care as much cause most people have no idea what miles per kWh means. just put in a bigger battery.
I've never owned a gen 3, but my gen 4 is much quieter than my gen 2. However, I kind of like the sound of my gen 2. It sounds pretty cool. When I start off from a stop and sort of mash the gas pedal, the gen 4 electric motors are louder than the gen 2. The gen 2 is loud while driving and not from a stop.
Yes, and then people are still confusing inverter noise with motor noise. Yes, the brake pump is annoying, not only because of its noise, but because it too often runs when the car is shut down and in PARK, needlessly wearing itself out and needlessly exercising the 12-V battery.
They are both cars that are 10-30k$ more expensive than the Prius, right? (they are for sure, 10k€ and 40k€ more expensive in the EU) Plus the Tesla is not in the same league as it is sold as a luxury brand. Toyota is the equivalent of VW/Ford/GM/FCA/PSA Group, not of Lexus, BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Tesla... I think. At least this is the brand positioning in EU. So the Tesla has to be totally quiet, for its price. If GM with the Volt has managed to make it quieter (and I agree with the comment also about the weight above) all things equal, kudos to them...
I test drove a Volt and found the overall sound proofing and road noise to be much worse. I certainly heard allot more engine whine. I was surprised. Unimpressed.
My first Prius (Gen4). So I can't compare mine to past generations. But I'm pleasantly surprised at how quiet all the "hybrid electronic gizmo stuff" is. I only hear a brief, subdued Star Trek "whine" when accelerating. That's all. After that, I hear no other electric sounds... and never any "re-gen" noise or sounds. (Am I missing out on something fun??? ) However, I do hear the growl of the 4-cyl gas engine quite often. Apparently, not much sound insulation in the firewall. But it's not too unpleasant. I actually enjoy the growling of my "White Night."