When I lock or unlock my Prius C with the handle or the key, it used to beep, now it no longer will beep, I've checked the doors and hood to make sure they are all shut and it will still not beep. Any help is appreciated, its kinda driving me nuts... Thanks in advance!!
My C2 only flashes the flashers. (Locked: once; Unlocked: twice, just as stated in the manual.) So I assume you have a C3 or C4 with smart key. The beep can be turned off by the dealer (per pg. 521 of my 2013 manual). Any chance a dealer changed the programming during a routine visit?
I do have a smart key, I'm not sure what version, I've checked in the settings and the beep still shows to be turned on.
sorry, no. never heard of anything like this. are you sure it's not ambient noise? a lot of times, i can't hear mine in busy areas.
one thing i might try before the dealer is to disconnect the negative 12 volt battery post for a minute, to reset the computers. you might lose a few settings like radio stations and etc.
You can reprogram or do an initial program yourself through the screen. I can't remember how, but I set all that on mine. Don't be afraid. It's pretty easy. Check your OWNERS MANUAL, maybe...
Did you ever figure out why it did that? Or did you fix it? I'm having the same exact problem. I got a 2013 prius c three with SKS