Hey gang! It's been a bit since I had anything to post about, but I have some updates on my car. A few weeks ago, my 2007 Toyota Prius finally went to the body shop for a complete strip down and repaint. At this stage, the car is just a few days away from being put back together, and I'm fairly excited about getting it home. Originally, the car was blue, but the repaint is a dark charcoal grey with flat black deck stripes. All the chrome will be blacked out, and the wheels will be repainted to match the paint (so no more blue rims). Some people were surprised that I was actually getting the carbon fibre hood repainted, but I want the car to be a solid colour. Besides, I think the car will look absolutely incredible when it's done. Not bad for a 9 year old car. Comments welcome! 2007 Prius Upgrade | Facebook
Since this is a complete colour change, it's expensive. This job is $4k total; there is pearl in the paint, so it should look amazing in the sunlight, but it's not quite all back together yet.