This site has been so great for information, and opinions. Thank you all! Now it feels "official" - we signed papers yesterday for a 2013 Prius V/Five (not wagon, but hatchback) with 86,300 miles, great records, with Advanced Tech package. We will pick it up on Saturday morning (needs to have the DMV-1 and insurance binder completed today, and with rush hour traffic taking us almost 2 hours to drive the 37 miles, we will wait for Saturday morning.) It is fairly nerve wracking doing all the due diligence for the purchase of a used car. We live South of Boston, and drove all over looking. We purchased in Acton. I like the dealer, but will wait to see how everything finishes up before a final say. We feel like we have a fair purchase, and look forward to many years with our Prius - it is black-with-silver rocker panels. We are thinking of names, and will post photos soon!
I just drove our new Prius home from the dealer in Acton, mostly highway miles, stopped at a grocery store, then in-town miles drive home. Was very happy to see 56.6 MPG on the first trip, and 57.8 on the second trip. I realize that I now need to keep track via fill-ups, rather than using the onboard computer, but it still feels good. I've read a lot about technique, but need to practice more - I'd love to be able to (without driving more than usual!) get up it to 60 mpg.
Congrats on your purchase. You might want to update/change your Avatar. It says "V", when it really should say "Five". The Roman Numerals were discontinued in 2011. It will save confusion if you were to make this change otherwise some might think you have the "V" Station Wagon instead of the "Five" Hatchback. Best of luck to you!
I posted these photos in the "Newbies" area in a thread there, but thought I should post them here as well, as I first said I would in this thread: Photos of our "new to us" 2013 Prius Five with AdvTech package. We especially love the HUD - the Nav takes some getting used to, and we will still travel with our Garmin, but I like the larger display on the Prius Nav, and so far it works fine for around town. We will need to purchase some snow rims/tires. It has been well taken care of, and had 86,300 miles on it when purchased. Our 22 year old son especially loves all the tech - (also, he has had a lower back disc rupture in the past, and he raves about the comfortable drivers' seat.) My best mpg so far has been 70.6. We have named our Prius The Falcon.
I know - I'm getting really attached to the HUD and the LKA. We weren't looking for top of the line, but for a reasonable "Four" - preferably 2012-2013 (we needed the automatic seat - my husband is 6'5" and we felt that the increased adjustment abilities were important.) Most Prii that I researched had a "red flag" on the Toyota Owners' site - since this had high miles, but good records, and was reasonably priced, we were sold. We are used to high mile purchases - we bought our 1993 Volvo 940 with 145,000 miles on it, and it has 250,000+ miles on it. We will be retiring it when our son gets a job and has moved to a place of his own.
Very nice! I'm new to the Prius family too -- just bought my 2013 Prius Three yesterday here in Farmington Hills, MI.
Congratulations, Alison! Have fun exploring your new to you Prius. I hope that you have a manual for the navigation/phone system. It is not very intuitive. If not, you can download what you need from the Toyota Owners' site. I found that very helpful.
Thank you!! I haven't found a need for the manual for the head unit, it is a bit clunky to navigate but at least it doesn't randomly change audio inputs from Bluetooth/USB/Aux like the Ford Sync system I had in a rental 2016 Fiesta all last week. I did accidentally find the factory nav the other day though.