It was fun seeing your drive to work! Thanks for posting!! Now what other new toys are you going to buy and post? Funny, I told my kids, it's "that guy" from that is responsible for these yummy egg/muffins... and knowing what the temperature and humidity is (inside and out)! Thanks... keep em coming!
This literally made me laugh out loud. My wife just gave me an odd look Just posted another prius video. Any suggestions for new toys? My wife will not be thrilled...
From 70mph, you should be able to get all 8 bars if you brake for a longer period than you have. For example, you can glide down that slight incline before your exit (right around in the video when you were trying to get the engine off. Once you have it off, I noticed you were coasting. Try to glide instead, use the incline to maintain speed and then try to fill the CHG bar so that you don't have to use your brake pads for that right turn. If there's no traffic behind, maybe even start braking several 10s of feet before you enter the off-ramp. Also, great tip near the end about learning your commute and figuring how to end your trip to benefit the start of the trip. One thing I noted, because you have the NiMH battery and most owners will end up with the Li-Ion battery, is that you were driving with the HSI bar in the Eco Hybrid area (within the 1st half of the Hybrid System Indictaor) and using the NiMH battery. This is a big change for the Gen 4 with the improved efficiencies of the electric motor and inverter and so forth (all that 20% improvement in energy loss that Toyota talks about). I wouldn't do that in the my Gen 2 or 3 because I wouldn't be able to sustain that entire length of your drive that you did in EV mode because the battery would drain and the engine would come on to recharge. The fact you were able to do that section in EV mode and still end up at work with 3 bars remaining is amazing!
Yeah, I saw that one too... on YouTube right after it was posted. I miss-read a portion of the title... and thought it said "2016 Prius Stuck On The Highway" . You've got all toys I want! I really wish I could get an Echo... just for the home automation aspect. Next I'm getting a new camera... I'm sick of cell phone cameras.
Not the Echo hatchback, but you did get the Echo sedan & coupe from 2001 to 2005 before the Yaris sedan (née Toyota Belta) arrived to replace it for 2007 after a 1 year hiatus. The Yaris Hatchback arrived in 2006.
You may be able to get more MPG than me with those skinny tires. I usually get 74 in an empty car driving like me (slower, no AC and a cracked window at low speeds). With a passenger and the AC on mid 60s to maybe 71.
All good points! That particular off ramp is a congested part of the highway. I'd love to coast down it, but would get run over in the process. I still can't believe that I can get this kind of mileage without any special efforts. The Echo is pretty neat. My wife isn't into technology like I am, and she is even digging it. She doesn't know that it creates cards in the Echo app overtime you ask it something. I found out she was using it when she was home alone through the cards...
Ahhh, those were the years I was on a BMW bender ... changing beamers every year (I had a serious problem). So Toyota wasn't even on my radar back then. Now I'm in a 12 Step Program!