Well, three and a half weeks into ownership, we finally checked our tire pressure. It certainly wasn't what one would expect, 39 39 in the rear, with the front at 36 and 37.....I'd say someone at the dealership wasn't paying attention, and obviously, we didn't follow through as we should have either. I know the greater psi is supposed to be up front, but what effect could this reversal have had? lower MPG? Were there potential safety issues involved? I hate to admit it, although I have changed clutches in old Beetles,and done sundry other repairs, I had never checked air pressure nor changed a tire, will be checking pressure somewhat regularily now.
Won't damage the car, makes no difference, PSI can vary with temperature and if you used the car or not. Just check the tires every month. Alex
Since you only have a little mileage on the car, why worry about the effect of the wrong pressure? There was probably little effect anyway. And here I thought "Tire PSI reversed" meant negative PSI! ("Aye, Cap'n, she canna take the punishment much longer!")
I finally got around to checking the tires last weekend. They were at 32 and 32, and I thought the ride and the mileage were both pretty darn good. I bumped them up to 37 and 35 to see if we notice any difference in mpg. I know that the high mileage Prius owners on PC generally have 42 and 40, but with some of the roads we're on (especially, but not only, in D.C.), I'd rather sacrifice some mpg for ride comfort.