Can any one tell me where can I find a ODB II (intelligent tester that complies with SAE J1987). I want to read the DTC codes and be able to turn off the Check engine or other warning lights. I had my other car check engine light come on and found out the gas cap was not on tight. that cost me $75.00. I have seen Palm and Windows PDA versions of software that can read DTC codes. I am just starting out on this research so HELP. I have followed this forum and see there is alot of high end car geeks here. Any one using a PDA to read codes? Is there a reasonable priced tester out there. I have a very new (1500 miles) 2006 Prius.
Lots of options. I'd recommend the CAN-View, but it's not available for the '06. Scangage has been very popular and offers lots of tools including a means of checking DTCs. Dyno-Scan is a tool I have that does connect to your PDA and offers a lot of information including DTCs. Recall, also, that often you can go to various auto parts shops and they'll pull codes for you for free if that's all you really need.
ScanGage does well and gives you some information while diving. It is purely generic for the Can Bus data. The DTC are just numbers and you will need the Service Manual to interpret them! You can reset them as well.
I have looked into several OBD II readers and called tech support about using there products. The maker of one promising tool is Innova model CanOBD2 3110. communication protocalls c.a.n.- ISO 9141- J1850PWM -J1850VPW and KWP 2000 ISO 14230-4. It can retrieves OBD2 DTC's. It can perform drive cycles and alot more. I just wanted to know if anyone has looked into this tool? There tech support said it will read all OBD2 codes (P0,P2,P3, andU1) and manufacture specific codes (P1,P2,P3 and U1) I can use this on all my families trucks and cars. The price was from $199.99 to $240.00 I found it on for $169.99 will in theory have full Prius support out sometime this summer. Including THHT device control. But the last round of questions I sent to them never elicited an answer. Maybe if more people start bugging them they'll realize they need to be more responsive. . _H*