I have been wanting a Prius (my first ever hybrid) since I test drove one about 4 months ago, on a whim. Knowing absolutely nothing about a hybrid, I started doing my research. This forum has been immensely helpful. . . I read it daily and have gotten a lot of questions answered. I also downloaded the 800 page Owner's Manual, and have been reading it, as well as the Quick Start Guide, the Navigation System Guide, plus watching various videos, asking perfect strangers about their Prii, test driving three times, . . .etc. I wanted to get the Three with the Advanced Technology Package in Hypersonic Red. I could not locate any 3 or 4 with the ATP (in any color) at the dealership, 1/2 hour away, nor at another dealership 1 hour away. Was told that they could have a silver one sent in from another state. Long story short . . . Went to a dealership 2 hours away, to just look at a 4, so that I could actually see and test drive a Prius with the Advanced Technology Package. OMG!! This car was absolutely made for me. I especially love the Heads Up Display, the non-cloth seats, Moonstone interior, the moon roof, Blind spot monitors, Radar Cruise Control, . . . and it's RED!!!! Guess what's sitting in my driveway?!?! Now I can't figure out how to put the picture on here . . .
You don't need to change your name. And everyone in here will understand your post, vividly. Congratulations on your new purchase!
Click on your name in the top right of the page next to the mail envelope. Click on the image and upload your pic.
Congratulations. To put a picture in a post, start posting a reply - you'll see next to "Post Reply" an option to "Upload a File" After selecting your file, it'll be at the bottom as a thumbnail with 2 options - "Thumbnail" (like I've put below this text) or "Full Image" (like my picture above).
You can easily change your Profile to show a Model Four, instead of Model Three. But for your screen name? No need.
I had a giggle about this - every car I've bought, new or used, I read the manual, generally as bedtime reading on the day of delivery. My wife could never understand this I suspect she never read a manual at all). My daughters, when they bought cars, I handed them the manual with instructions to read it carefully. My older daughter ignored the instruction, the second one gave me a summary the next day!!! I've got a 2016 Prius Manual on my computer - I've skimmed it to answer questions, but not as a full read - I was planning to take it to bed for that. Good bedtime reading weather here - it's winter. But 800 pages - that could be a challenge.
Congrats on your purchase. I agree with the other's that there is no need to change your name. Best of luck to you @KimPrius3
Congratulations Kim! I know it's very hard to get the upper model Prii with the extra packages and the color combination you want. I had trouble getting what I wanted so I had my dealer order from an incoming delivery to an out of state dealership. You picked a great car, great package and color! Your going to have fun learning about all the new toys in it for many weeks to come. Please keep us all posted and share your adventures.
Welcome to the Four club. My only regret is I could not get a red. Just set up a new account as you only have 60 posts. Pictures for your avatar can be tricky as I had a very difficult time getting the correct size and features in the avatar space. Took several attempts.
Maybe that will be good. Too much personal info is not a good thing on a forum. Also I do not know if any of you are males are females for sure but the donut conversation is a lead.
I stumbled on a picture posting shortcut, at least on my pc this works: If I've got an image in Windows Clipboard (using Windows Snipping Tool, for example, will accomplish this), and I'm in the response editor, typing <CTRL> V will insert the image, at the cursor location.
My account would't open, couldn't get any mods to answer anything, made a new account with a new name, still can't get any mods to actually answer any questions, don't bother, just make a new account and be on your way, this is a for profit site and there's no profit in moderating.
My pics are in "Drop Box" I've tried to copy and paste, but it didn't work. I can't even remember how I got my profile pic up, it was from my Drop Box as well.