If you only have one key (master or valet) for your Gen1 Prius and lose is, you are hosed. It will cost many hundreds of dollars to make your car drive again. If you only have a valet key, there is no cheap/easy way to make more, you either have to "clone" the valet key at an auto locksmith, or replace/reflash the immobilzer ECU which is buried inside the dash and a PITA to get to in order to add new master keys. Solution? Copy the valet key onto dumb blanks (i.e. no chip) for $2 each at any hardware store. Make a couple of spares. Remove steering column covers, remove black key detection ring around lock cylinder (but re-hook up the wiring harness), duct tape your valet key to black ring, duct tape to inside of lower steering column cover. Put it all back together. Now the $2 key starts car and becomes your daily key. It can be easily duplicated from your spare if lost. Cons? any key that will turn in the ignition will start the car and lock cylinder looks a little funky without black ring...but how many thieves will go after a Gen1 Prius? The bottom cover has 3 philips screws, one at very bottom, two behind steering wheel (turn wheel sideways). The top cover has one screw going up near the cylinder you access after you remove the bottom cover. One more screw holds the black key detection ring around the lock cylinder.
Why don't you just copy the valet key and keep the original at home, using the copy for daily driving? If you lose the copy, you still have the original you can copy. I also wouldn't use duct tape in a car. Cars experience high levels of humidity, drying, moisture accumulation, condensation, extreme heat, extreme cold, and vibration which will eventually deteriorate the adhesive on many adhesive tapes. If you must attach something inside your car using an adhesive, use a permanent one which is resistant to the elements I listed. Household adhesive tapes fall apart very quickly inside a car. I guess you save about $60-70 not having to copy the valet key.
If it was my car I would replace the immobilizer ECU and make a new master key, but this was a customers car for a family on a limited budget. This was the best solution for them since multiple people share the car. I used Gorilla tape to hold the key to the ring, and the ring/key combo sits in the bottom steering column cover in a sort of pocket area by itself, it should hold up in the dry Colorado climate.
Great idea. Thanks. Any similar suggestion for the 2006 Prius? Those keys are even more expansive. My 2006 Prius takes a box key you slide in the keyhole. For the 2001 Prius. I have a keyring with both transponder and no-transponder keys in it. One day I inserted non-transponder key and car started because the transponder key was near by. I then removed transponder key from the ring and car would not start. So my question is Do you have to remove the Key detection ring as you stated or just tape a good transponder key near it?
It is a fact that the transponder in the key of a classic Prius just needs to be close to whatever part of the car receives the signal. The actual transponder ECU is on the left side of the steering wheel, while the key goes into the hole on the right side. Keeping the transponder key on the same keyring with a basic metal $2 key that you use to turn the ignition cylinder should start the car 99% of the time if not 100% of the time. In fact, if you open up an ILCO (below is a link to an image) clone key, you'll see that the metal blade that goes into the cylinder lock (mechanical key) and the transponder (electrical circuit board with 3V battery) are completely separate as far as electricity/radio are concerned. The circuit board is kept in the black plastic casing that is on one side of the blade and is not connected to anything. It's not even secured particularly tightly in there. Ford Lincoln Cloneable Blank by ILCO EK3LB H84 2002 2010 | eBay If you're going with the permanent/semi-permanent attachment idea regarding the valet key transponder, I would use something like silicone to glue it behind a portion of the dashboard where it reliably allows the car to start (experiment first). It bonds very nicely with the dashboard plastic in my experience and should have no trouble holding the key. Just make sure it's a transponder key without a replaceable battery. Otherwise you could be in trouble if the battery dies.
if you're talking about Gen2 Prius with full smartkey it's a little tricky, there are two systems. One is proximity sensor based where the fob has to be inserted into the dash, this starts the car via an RFID chip and does not require a battery. (this is how you can start a Gen2 Prius when battery is dead in your fob). The 2nd system (full SKS) just requires the fob just to be inside the car and a healthy battery in the fob. However, the full SKS system doesn't like you leaving fobs in the car, it may prevent you from locking the doors. What exactly do you want to accomplish? -------------- Regarding gen1, there is no battery in the key. It is only an RFID proximity based system and the key needs to be fairly close to the detection ring. Think of the detection ring as the antenna for the system, the ECU is just the electronics. Taping a key to the transponder/immoibilzer ECU won't help, it needs to be near the detection ring. If you plan on taping/glueing a key somewhere experiment first, I found it had to be very close to the ring, that is why I removed the ring.
I have been working on a failed attempt by a mechanic and Toyota to fix a short in the 12 volt circuit. Solution was a corroded connector to the battery ecu. Also had to fix the fuse box that the guy got into by separating the fuse box plugs ( under the fuse box) to the block for the fuses. A big pain. 2. tie wrap the valet key to the immobilizer ring and tuck under ign. 3. Remove the luggage key lock and Jumper the switch that is behind the lock assembly. This sets device to a master key. take apart lock and easily remove last tumblers so valet key now opens trunk. With the jumper in place car starts much easier. Hope this helps because many of the chats helped me. Bob
I have a steering column from a wrecked 2003 that I would like to put in my son's 2001 that came with only a "valet" key. Can I just plug the transponder ring from '03 column into the harness of the '01, or do I have to use the '03 "ecm immobilizer" also?
Nope, You'll need the immobilizer ECU from the 03 and the master key from that same car for it to work. The transponder ring is dumb, you can use any of them. If the steering column in your 01 is not broken there is no need to swap it. All you need from the 03 is the immobilizer ECU, the 03 master key, and the ignition lock cylinder. Switch the ignition lock cylinder (easy to do with key in ACCY position. You will need to turn the car ON (BUT NOT START) and leave it for at least 30 minutes with a charger hooked up to the 12V battery in order for the immobilizer to pair itself to the Hybrid ECU. After 30 minutes turn key off then to Start and car should READY up and allow you to add more keys via standard procedure.
I pulled the immobilizer out after removing the new collumn. Even with the column out it was a chore to unbolt then unplug the immobilizer from the harness. Is there an easier way? If you know of a previous post let me know, also one for removing/replacing the ignition lock cylinder? Thanks for your insight.
I pulled the immobilizer out after removing the new collumn. Even with the column out it was a chore to unbolt then unplug the immobilizer from the harness. Is there an easier way? If you know of a previous post let me know, also one for removing/replacing the ignition lock cylinder? Thanks for your insight.
BJH, you need to reread post #1 of this thread. The ring is black and is around the outside of the lock cylinder. Also look at the photos in post #1.
Paul, I have a 2002 Prius I purchased aver a year ago. The key that it came with does not open the trunk. Is that because it is a valet key?
Possibly. The valet key has a different chip and a different cut, and is supposed to be gray instead of black. When you insert a master key into the ignition cylinder the security light will immediately stop flashing. When you insert a valet key the security light will go steady a few seconds then off. Valet programmed key cannot be used as a master to make additional keys via chicken dance. You can only "clone" the key at a hardware store or auto locksmith etc. If all you have is a one gen1 key that starts the engine and you lose it you are screwed. Make a clone now or move the decoder ring and leave the chip key you have in the decoder ring. (then make a few $2 silver keys)
Thanks Paul. When I insert the key into the ignition, the security light stops immediately. The plastic section of the key head is black with the Toyota symbol. The key works for everything except the trunk lock. Perhaps the trunk lock was replaced. I will get a copy made or perform the option you described. I appreciate all of your posts. They are extremely helpful.