Date Ordered: 2/27/2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Adams Toyota, Lee's Summit MO Timeframe given for delivery: 4-6 months (was told they were taking 4 months) Color: Black / Tan Option Package: Option Combination #B or Package #7 or AM,FE Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: They were not doing numbers when I ordered, have not gotten anyone to give me a number. Deal is for MSRP. I have received the Keychain. I also received the $300.00 rebate notice. I also got a nice letter stating: Dear Me: We are sending you this letter to let you know that your request for a 2004 Prius is still confirmed at your Toyota dealer. This letter goes on to explain the demand and supply problem and gives me a national number to contact should my dealer be unable to answer my questions. (It is dated June 1.) I have kept in contact with my dealer. He told me that everything is still as we agreed, MSRP and my exact order. He thinks it should be in sometime in August, which would make it at about 5 months. I told him my concerns about things I have read about charging over MSRP and other dealer dirty tricks. He informed me that Toyota has made it clear that they will not tolerate those types of things from dealers and if they are made aware of them that those dealers are subject to being removed from the Hybrid program. Not sure if it is true, but this dealer has always been very honest with me.
Adams dealership I got the first Prius delivered in the Kansas City area from Adams in Lees Summit. Have a good relationship because I have previously purchased 17 cars from them.
Honest Dealer = Adams Toyota I could have had a Prius 04 already from them. When the Prius was first introduced they called me to offer me any Prius of my choice, since I had bought my 01 Prius from them. I had to decline it at the time because I was working for Sprint then, and my job was very much less than certain. I was told 5 times last year that my job was being eliminated or was being outsourced. I am a good worker so Sprint kept finding me jobs each time, but I finally got tired of the job dance and went elsewhere to work. In that time Adams Toyota called me for 8 different Prius they had available and each time I painfully declined. When I gained new employment this year I went to Adams Toyota and they were very honest with the situation, the price, and the wait time. For everyone who has gotten the run around I feel very sorry for them and wished that all dealers were as good as Adams Toyota.
Help! Hey Tigkoly, I'm happy that thier are some reputable dealers out there! My has given me the total run around! Preorder in Nov and had bought the 01 Prius from them! Sorry to vent. Could please email me that Toyota Corprate number you have for the pruis team? The general corprate number is no help!!!! thanks, G [email protected]
Date Ordered: 6/22/2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Molle Toyota, Kansas City, MO Timeframe given for delivery: 13-18 months Color: Salsa/Ivory Option Package: #9 (BC) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Don't know, I haven't asked, and they didn't tell me. They've been straight with me so far. Deal was for MSRP, and I placed a $500 deposit. I'm glad to see Ray Adams treated you right. I wish my time frame wasn't so long...the lifters are starting to make noise on my current car. I hope I can hold on until next June. Based on your timeframe I should expect to receive the keychain on or about October 1. Roger Smith said they could get the car in about 8 months, but I didn't want to purchase the car in Kansas. Jay Wolfe's response was pretty slimy. :x Chap
Date Ordered: 6/22/2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Molle Toyota, Kansas City, MO Timeframe given for delivery: 13-18 months Color: Black / Tan Option Package: #9 (BC) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Don't know, I haven't asked, and they didn't tell me. They've been straight with me so far. Deal was for MSRP, and I placed a $500 deposit. I'm glad to see Ray Adams treated you right. I wish my time frame wasn't so long...the lifters are starting to make noise on my current car. I hope I can hold on until next June. Based on your timeframe I should expect to receive the keychain on or about October 1. Roger Smith said they could get the car in about 8 months, but I didn't want to purchase the car in Kansas. Jay Wolfe's response was pretty slimy. :x Chap
Missouri allocation sucks. I talked to my dealer yesterday to try to pin him down on an arrival estimate. I told him my current car is acting up and I was thinking of buying an interim vehicle while waiting for my Prius. Well he tells me to hold on and finally tells me my number on their list. I am #11, however they have only been getting 1 to 2 cars a month. He also told me that they have yet to get any extras (non-ordered) and noone on the list has yet to not take the one they ordered. So my wait is going to be another 5 months. Honestly I was very much looking forward to getting this car, but my current car is not going to make it another 5 months. I guess I will not be getting my Prius. I will probably get a Corolla since they have decent MPG on them. I am totally bummed out now.
Why don't you ask your salesrep to put you into a short term lease on a used Corolla coming off a lease until your Prius arrives. It sure to be more reliable and might even be cost effective. It might even make your Pirus show up quicker.
Don that would be a very good idea if I did not drive 700 miles a week. I think the mileage charge would kill me. I might to try to wait for my Prius. Part of my problem is that my current car is a Kia Rio, and it has depreciated so bad that I owe about 4K more than it is worth. Another reason a lease is not a good idea. I really appreciate your attempt to help though. Prius drivers are more considerate than the average person.