So I decided on a power, EVSE and it comes with the same plug as RV parks use, is portable, and outdoor rated. So I had two options for our 48 year old house: Visit Lowels and convert NEMA 6-30 into NEMA 14-50 and derate to 30A. Cost $40-50 and measure effects. Electrician gave me $4.2-$4.7k quote to resolve service access, weathered wiring, code compliant breaker panel, and NEMA 14-50. I also asked for transfer switch for future Genpac. I am thinking of the cheaper, 100A service and natural gas power Genpac, 17kW. This will bring the price to $8k. But it also means relative energy security for my wife AND cogeneration at home with waste heat recovery. Bob Wilson
If they are quote a "code compliant breaker panel" then it sounds like your panel is being upgraded or at least brought up to code. That's usually a $2K service by itself. And if they are running the wiring inside, the drywall will suffer a thousand little holes and the work sounds fair. While they're doing the panel upgrade, put in a full house lightning protector too. Cheap protection.
Most of those standby natural gas generators also will come with a maintenance package which will be an additional cost. Good peace of mind if you don't want to deal with a emergency generator and a manual transfer switch or extension cords. Had our panel upgraded (changed out) two years ago. 100 Amp Service. Cost was around $2K just for the panel. Also had some additional work done here and there adding a few circuits.
Called them back to add natural gas generator. Expected cost $7.7k and we should be good to go. Safe house with emergency, natural gas fuel, and NEMA 6-50 plug by driveway. Bob Wilson
Called them back to add natural gas generator. Expected cost $7.7k and we should be good to go. Safe house with emergency, natural gas fuel, and NEMA 14-50 plug (RV style) by driveway. Bob Wilson
this is why i keep telling people alt fuel vehicles aren't about saving money, but there are so many other good reasons to drive them. of course, you'll make it back in the free charging.