hi I didn't want to create a new thread but I am not starting to think this is a new issue unrelated to the replacement of the bad block I went through last month.. 2006 CEL question | PriusChat Quick summary: Rroughly 4 weeks after replacing a bad module everything has been working fine. Installed an el-cheapo tablet with torque pro, logging every trip. Roughly 1800 miles in and the car has been behaving nicely, no code, no nothing. Yesterday - I did get a "problem" and light came on - all that for less than 10 seconds. The light came off and didn't come back. I was 20 miles from home and maybe on the last 10-15 miles, it felt like the "battery would not deliver any current to the motor". The last 20 miles are mostly uphill and downhill and I can from 60% SOC to 45% then back 75%, before the final uphill street which usually brings me down to 40-45%. Well yesterday, I got home with 70%+ SOC - and clearly felt like lacking power on those uphill streets and coming off stop signs. Also, on these last 20 miles, the HV blower came on just like when I was driving with a bad block. As soon as I got home, I read the codes and nada. both my scanners couldn't detect any, tried both Fusion and Torque Pro. It was unusually hot - the engine coolant temperature usually is around 85-90C. Yesterday it went as high as 104C. Also read the battery temperatures and all three read around 65-68C. I let it rest for the rest of the day and turned the car on again a couple hours later - and same thing: no code, no light, blower came on after 20-30s, and the engine would idle, even though the battery was sitting at 70%+ SOC. I haven't had time to try the car again tonight and probably won't use it tomorrow to go to work. kinda puzzled. thanks for any idea you may have Cheers
I have found an issue that I can no longer read trouble codes with Torque Pro when I have the Prius extended PIDs installed. Download Torque Lite and see if it makes a difference. You can probably look at your old logs to see if any block voltages are amuck. whoa... wait... Wth? TG1-3 are in the 60s? Dude.... that is extremely bad news. You likely need to get Techstream.
I re-read the post, and the terrain and subsequent behavior coupled with high ambient temperatures are an issue. When the battery gets to those temps, the car is barely using it for anything. I would tend to agree with Toaster. I have a rule when climbing... I don't use cruise. For steeper grades, I will hold 20mpg indicated on the MFD even if it means slowing down. If you logged that trip, I would love to see the CSV file. Disconnect for a few minutes and reconnect your 12V in the morning. Log tomorrow's drive. Do NOT spare your A/C. If it's not cooling sufficiently, check the sight glass for bubbles. If you see bubbles, add some straight R-134a ($4.88/can from walmart for SuperTech brand - make sure NO oil, dye or sealant - PURE 134a) with a new filler hose until the bubbles in the sight glass disappear. I had to do this to all three of my Prius this summer. They are all blissfully chilly even in our 110°F+ weather.
thanks guys. that is reassuring. yes it was unusually hot and wasn't using the A/C. I should have thought of that since the battery is cooled by the air in the cabin. I have logged the trip, I will post it asap. And I have tried reading the codes with another reader/app and same thing. no code. Thanks again