Have searched the manual and cannot determine if it is possible to turn off the voice prompts on Nav. This is on a 2016 Prius 4 with ATP and PCP. I do understand that I can turn down the sound in settings, but that is many key presses and I'm looking for a way to turn it off temporarily from the map itself. Use case is that I tend to keep Nav running all the time for traffic conditions, even when I know the way. When I am conversing with others in the car I want to silence it briefly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx, J
I don't know of a way to silence it... but would love to learn the answer (if there is one). Today was my first time using the system... and she says "SLOW TRAFFIC"! Tell me something I don't already know... yes - I know I'm already in "slow traffic"! Good grief
Either APPS --> SETUP --> VOICE --> Uncheck "Automatic navigation guidance" or Press the "Voice" button on the steering wheel then press "Voice Settings" on the screen when the prompt is displayed. Uncheck "Automatic navigation guidance".
Thanks to all, sorry for the delay in reponding. Tapatalk has been giving me fits with Priuschat. The web works better but has also been glitchy in posting. I will try Tideland's solution - sounds like the quickest, thanks for that. And no, there doesn't appear to be a speaker icon on the 4th gen nav screen.
jbkendrick, please update your avatar. I didn't know you already have your new car. What color is it and does yours have a sunroof?
Just did Jim. It is pearl with moonstone interior, with ATP, PCP, and yes sunroof and body side molding was a plus I wasn't expecting - looks great to my eye. Thx, J
Thanks again Tideland. Tried your solution on my way home from work this evening and it worked great. Just what I was looking for. J