This morning after my duty at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton... i came back to my and found deep scratches on both side of my car like someone used their key to grind the paint off from bumper to 2016 Prius is a Magnetic Metalic Grey color... Now i got full coverage insurance with $500 deductible.... my question is how much would it cost to fix something like this? Its soo deep rubbing compounds not working....
figure they will need to repaint the whole side of the car so it will match. So the full $500 deductible
Wow that sucks! I don't have any first hand knowledge (on cost), but I can recommend a place near you that does excellent factory paint blending. I'm sending you the a PM with that company info (USAA recommended them to me on another car)... also the name & number of a detailer friend near you. He could look and let you now if it's possible to buff out. But it doesn't sound like that's going to work. Don't they have security camera's on that part of the base? That's so unbelievable that someone that sick would do such a thing. They need cameras to find and prosecute this "a-hole". So sorry to hear about it. Thank you for your service to our country!
Man, that is sad to hear! Which one of your "buddies" did you piss off? Or was this just an A-Hole randomly keying cars? I guess the military hasn't changed much. Sounds like the same jerks I served with 40 years ago. They'd steal your damn boots! I came back from days off, and some idiot had stolen my firefighting gear that was hanging right in the station!! (And my VW bug was broken into twice.)
Buy a beater really cheap and park your good car off base several miles, then use the beater to get from your parking point to base. It should give you more peace of mind.
Thanks for the replies...yeah You would think on base is the safest place to leave your car but I guess there are some stupid people still even though they wear the uniform...
gah! that would really piss me off. is it just the clear coat or did they get into the paint as well? Ultimately you're going to be sanding down the clear until the scratch is gone, if it's too deep you'll reshoot it with clear which is simple enough. But if it got into the paint (or if you sand too far) you'll need to repaint the panel. If I couldn't get it with some rubbing compound I'd be biting the bullet and taking it to a professional. You could always go get an estimate then decide if you want to get insurance involved.
So the car is at a body shop now...1st estimate was $ they called the insurance cause i guess the new grey color for the 2016 prius is brand new from toyota and the had to make sure its corrrct color match ... now its at $2000...Pretty expensive good thing im just paying deductible...but i shouldnt even be spending money at all if this didnt hsppen...oh well
WOW! Man, I feel for you... especially since I have the same color. I often think about you when returning to my car parked somewhere for along time. I think The Base needs to get CSI testing the keys of every person on duty during your shift! Catch that mu#%$ F$#@! So sad. But glad you're only $500 out of pocket.
I was going to guess 250$ per panel, are there any cameras covering where you were parked, bet there are, or possibly satellite, it's a tough place to go unnoticed.
I agree with Autoist. I would find a place to park your car somewhere else and buy an old cheap car to get back and forth to your car. I would look for a storage facility and rent a space and park the good car in it. The monthly storage fee would not be very much and it would be well worth it. Good luck to you.
I got it back! Dealer placed a lifetime warranty on the paint job that they did...not really sure what that means but im happy my 2016 Prius Two Touring is back!
Ok, I figured that's where you took it. I'm glad to know they do such good work. That is where my car (your car's twin) will be going for service!