I've got a 2016 Prius 3 and an iPhone 6...I use the Bluetooth connection primarily for music...I'm not a big car phone guy... Ive got an issue with the Bluetooth connection...frequently, but not all the time...when the connection is made, the audio is broken into "packets" of rapid/garbled sound separated by brief periods of silence...its difficult to describe...it reminds me of the break up you get if you try and play a scratched audio CD . I can fix it by turning off the Bluetooth on the phone and then reconnecting.....I've powered down the phone, deleted my wife's phone, and reconnected/re-paired from both the phone and the car numerous times...but it still chatters I think it might be a phone software thing...all the internet info points to that possibility, but I haven't found any thing like the problem I'm experiencing.it seems like the phone and the car aren't speaking the same language until you reconnect the phone.... I've looked for a pattern of when it occurs and when it doesn't...charger plugged in, iTunes open or closed, etc. but there doesn't seem to be any I've found... Id appreciate any comments, suggestions ideas, etc... Thanks Don
I posted the same question a few weeks ago. My remedy was disconnecting the Bluetooth on phone, then on the Prius removing the phone. Then adding it back via pairing. Do you happen to have two phones paired with the Prius ? LG-H901 ?
DHM, do you have model 3 or a Gen 3 with this problem? And Gen 4 owners do you have the same problem?
I have had the same issue and the reboot problem which I posted about in the reboot thread. I have a more detailed answer in the other thread but in short, the dealer replaced my radio on Monday and all has been fine since.
I have the same problem, also with an iPhone 6S. Worked after I rebooted my iPhone. I finally gave up listening to music though BT. Phone calls are no problem.
I wondered if you ever resolved this issue. I have a 2016 Prius 4 with the JBL sound system. Same problem for me. Its intermittent but extremely irritating. Tried, rebooting radio, re-pairing, removing phones, adding phones etc. Mentioned to dealer on my first service and they shrugged. Suggestions?
You could try Android phones and save yourself a few dollars in the process. Apple and to me to be a "me too" fashion statement. I know they're easy to operate but Android os can be changed/modified to how you want it, not set in stone like yours. Oh, did I mention everything for Android is less expensive and arguably better.
I have absolutely no problems with BT and an iPhone 6S, and neither does my wife. Have you tried your phone with another BT speaker without problems? Since someone here had the head unit replaced and it started working, I would guess that is where the problem is. Take it to the dealer and squawk.
Thanks for suggestions. All up to date, works on other BT products no problems and I have apple products instead of windows products or Android because they ARE closed systems. Might try to have the head replaced but boy the dealer was not very helpful. Thanks all!
There is a software update, see the post at the top of this section. do not know if that will help you.