Has anyone found a 2012 Liftback service manual online yet? I read that the 2012 wire harness is different than the 2010/2011 cars. I already have the 1st & 2nd Gen, 10/11 & PHV manuals but not the 2012 Liftback manual. Thanks, Mike
Hi Mike, have you tried Toyota Information Services website. $15 for 48 hrs, you can download to your hearts content!
I'll have a look at that later tonight or tomorrow. 15 bucks is a good deal for a factory service manual. I wonder if they offer it as a single file or multiple pages in individual files? tnx, Mike ..
My understanding is that it is offered as many many individual files to discourage download and/or sharing the whole thing. You also sign off on not sharing any part of any manuals when you register. Some members do not feel comfortable posting pics and pages from TIS Toyota, and some do. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, it's broken up in multiple PDF files, but as long as you keep track of what you are doing, you can get the whole manual. From that point I have a 2 side color laser printer and make a binder of the most often used items and areas. If I need something I don't have printed, back to the computer, print it, stuff it in the book
Hmmm, they require a Windows computer. I run Linux. I'll have to see if I want to put together a Windows computer first. Mike
I found that most of the stuff I wanted on that site was available but had to be printed at that time. I did not see a lot of info (of any real importance) that was d'loadable. You will do a LOT of printing. My reference is as a '12 PIII owner.
You should see a print to PDF option in your print menu. If it is view-able by individual pages, then that is a mess to download each page individually and save them as several hundred separate files. Having every page is not needed by me but it is nice to have it all just in case. Pat has a good approach saving what he needs when he needs to look it up. IDK, I'll have to decide if I want to go through the long dragged out approach just to get a complete manual. Might be easier to buy an eBay DVD if one exists. Mike
I found a copy of a 2013 service manual online, but I can't post a link to it since I haven't posted before. PM me for a link (if it will let me).
Here's a couple of interesting links. Index of /cdn/servicemanuals/toyota Index of /prius/Prius Info/Official Toyota Info/Repair Information/Repair Manual