Hello all, I was checking underneath our Gen II Prius for one of our children's toys earlier today and noticed some writing / markings on the cover for the fuel tank (see attached photos). Two questions for the group: 1) Can someone confirm that this is indeed the fuel tank (or a metal / plastic cover surrounding the fuel tank)? 2) Should I be concerned that the writing indicates this part was replaced at some point? Or is it common for a Prius to come with this sort of marking from the factory? We haven't had the fuel tank replaced or any work done in this area of the car. Thank you!
I'm assuming you bought used? Did you ever run a Carfax? If no major accident was reported, I'd just make the decision to NOT be concerned. If the vehicle hasn't given you any problems...then the mystery of D 18 could just remain unsolved. You buy any used vehicle there's always a chance that individual parts have been replaced, for any various number of reasons. If a Carfax has never been run or you haven't seen one, I might be curious enough to do that.
With 2nd gen maybe there was a problem with the bladder tank, it needed replacing? Maybe the replacement is even the non-bladder tank? Though if salvage it likely has bladder.
Thank you both for the input! The vehicle has a clean title and the Carfax didn't show any problems, so I'm guessing this writing is from the factory. We haven't had any problems with the vehicle - I was mostly curious about the markings but also wanted to check with others more knowledgeable than me.