I recently picked up a used PiP. Glad to be back after trying out a C for 8 months. The C was not for me. When I got my first PiP, it only beeped once when I put it in reverse. This one beeps nonstop while in reverse. Is this something only the dealer can change and will they change it? If they do, will they charge me? I also noticed the radio is the original firmware and I'm sure there are some updates. Can I do the updates myself or is this also something only the dealer can do? If I can do it myself, how is this done? Thanks everyone and glad to be back. My "New" car is a 2013 Base Model in Clearwater Blue Metallic with about 30k miles with California HOV stickers.
The dealer can change the reverse beep, but they may try to charge you. If you have Techstream and the right cable, you could do it yourself. There are other ways to do it too, which involve an ODB port adapter and software like Torque on an Android device (there's an app for IOS that can do it too, but I cant remember the name right now). There are a few people on the forum who can do it, depending on where you're located. The radio firmware update is around here somewhere. I think its up to v3.20 or 3.30? Let me try to find it. Here it is: Toyota I have the file I used, I dont remember when I got it from, but this Toyota link has the walk through and a link to download the update directly from Toyota.
Thanks for the info. I'll be updating my software shortly. If anyone in SoCal has the capabilities of changing the beep for me let me know. Otherwise I'll see what Toyota says when I take it in for my next service.
That was a big jump in software versions. Was there a noticeable difference in looks or operation with the change?
Surprisingly not really. Just more and different apps. And supposedly better Bluetooth connection. Besides that I have noticed much yet. I did also order the Carista OBD2 adapter to fix my beep. It's slightly expensive to fix a beep but it's also a good diagnostic tool for this car and my other car.
Got my Carista from Amazon yesterday and bought the app and was able to fix the beeping in under 2 minutes. Nifty little gadget!
I going to give the update a try. I noticed it will add slacker to the list of apps and I have been listening to that more than the other Internet radios.
Was it pretty simple to use? Just plug in, open app, and there are options to change (such as the damn reverse beeping?) *UPDATE: nevermind, I think I answered my own question by looking at the Amazon reviews. You have to pay extra to change anything, and it's literally touching a few options...seems easy enough.
Yep. Download the app and pay for access. Plug it in. Change the beeping option to beep once or off. Easy as pie.
I saw a video on YouTube showing how to shut the Beebe off by going through a set of procedures using the power button, brake peddle and I think the park button, kind of like a code for special powers in a video game. I don't have the link but I'm sure you could find it with some youtube searches. SAMSUNG-SM-G890A ?