Hi all, new Prius owner. Traded in a Audi A4 for it. Cant say enough good things about this car. Just wanted to know what other owners are getting for MPG. I have been getting about 54 average. I do a combination of city and freeway driving. Does everyone else try to work the fuel economy or is this just because Im a new owner?
54 mpg is not bad. check my sig for my current mpg... also go to http://www.greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage...a-priushsd.html for an accurate picture (and do register your car there!)
First 10k miles on the car have gotten 44.9mpg. Calcuated using actual gallons divided by miles driven. According to the car's computer the average is 46.0. I drive the car pretty much like I've always driven. Not too many jack rabbit starts, about 75mph on the freeway.
Have approx 12K miles on car.....bought Easter '05 ($700 under MSRP)..... my latest tank is yeilding 53mpg according to the MFD 90% city driving.
I only get great MPGs on highway trips, and only when the downhills outnumber the uphills. 'Making good time', AKA going 5MPH over the speed limit, is pretty hard on MPGs especially on the uphills. I did get 55MPG over 64 miles at 63MPH on the way home Monday, which made up a little bit for some of the 43MPG segments of the trip. It was a 70MPH zone, so I had to put up with a few annoyed drivers...
Lifetime average of 48.3 MPG Last tank came in at a dissapointing 54.6 brought on by cold weather and almost two straight weeks of rain. Check my signature for my lifetime average. And WELCOME TO PRIUSCHAT!
I'm currently averaging 48.5 MPG with mostly in-town trips under 5 miles. ... and you'll be pleased to know there is an entire forum on PriusChat devoted to exactly this topic: Fuel Economy *EDIT* ... Which is exactly where this thread is posted now... Was I just that unobservant, or did this get moved into Fuel Economy?
You know, annoying other drivers isn't all that bad. I made a round-trip to Augusta yesterday at 63MPH on I-20, and only fell to 52.5MPG. I lost the first pip off the gauge at 222 miles, which I think is my new record. Had a semi blow a tire about 200 yards in front of me. The cloud of smoke and scattering traffic encouraged me to duck the tire shards. Good thing I was going 'slow'...
I average 52 mpg on a combination of two-lane country driving and very short trips. The short trips kill the mileage, so I now find I hate to do them. The Prius tends to encourage this kind of thinking with all of the feedback. Tom
See my sig for my lifetime mpg, over ~6000 miles thus far. Current tank is at 51.2 at 310 miles and down to 4 fuel bars. Combo city/freeway traffic driving. Hoping to keep mpgs up for my 2nd 50+mpg tank.
I have a lifetime average of 50.98 mpg calculated over 32,000 miles. My current tank is averaging 56.2 mpg after 257 miles.
I drive about half highway and half city. I mostly drive to and from work and plan errans to minimize my road trips. I'm averaging 55mpg. Anything above 50mpg makes me happy.
I'm still getting zero mpg in the car we drive the most - the EV. OH.. you mean gas mileage in the Prius! Average right at about 50 even. All mixed. Every gallon hurts.
Have my new prius for 2 weeks now. Getting 53 highway and 51 local. Local drops to 49.8 with airconditioning on. Love this car!!!! I hear that the mileage goes up around 10k mileage. I have a little less than 3k
Well with only 247 miles on this tank I am at 62.7. I expect that it will not hold but I live in hope! Look at my signature as well.
Trip to work this morning I came the back way and got 68.2 mpg. (30 to 40 mph) I think I was on electric mode over half the time. Normally go the highway and get 50 to 55 mpg. this time of year.