Just saw an Audi commercial with a guy flying up the street in his neighborhood. He screeches to a halt in his driveway (after a mind blowing 360 spin). On his way to his driveway, he passes a girl (of course) on a bike and a guy washing his...........wait for it...........2005 Prius with yellowed headlights. The guy gets out of his car and "plugs it in", thus the electrical sport car reference. The girl is in all turned on by this and the guy with the Prius is jealous. Really? That's like Dodge showing off its new Challenger next to a 1979 Ford Pinto.
Could have nothing to do with it being electric, but if you can execute a hand-brake turn like that, well, you get the ladies apparently.
This is very realistic, though. Audis are definitely an aphrodisiac. I remember this one time I was driving an Audi, and it really did attract the ladies. One very attractive neighbour, who I'd always had a bit of a thing for, saw me in the car, and invited me back to her place. I couldn't believe my luck! She told me to go upstairs, strip, get into bed, and wait for her. She smiled at me, and said she was going into the bathroom to get ready. When she came out, she was naked, except for a Donald Duck mask. Also, she had springs on her elbows and knees, which certainly enhanced the bouncing during our subsequent acts, but I did find it a bit weird. Afterwards, I said, "That was great, but what was with the costume and the bouncing?" "Oh, with you having an Audi, I thought you'd like it," she said. "It's the four-sprung duck technique."
Hmmm.... on a slightly more serious note than my previous post, that is a realistic advert. Everyone round here who has an Audi drives it exactly like that. We're in a residential neighbourhood, and while the Toyotas and Mercs and Hyundais are all driven at appropriate speeds, the Audis are not. It's actually so bad that, when my wife was talking to the girls about road sense, she said, "If it's a car with four circles on the front, it will be going very fast, so be extra careful." Is an ad like that legal in the US? In Australia, it wouldn't be. You can show high speeds and reckless driving on a track, I think (although even then, it is subject to challenge), but you absolutely can't show it on a public road.
Certainly sends the wrong message...I think the girl may not be so impressed when the police arrive and knock on his door! Seem to be Prii everywhere in this neighbourhood as he passes a Gen 3 at the start!
Quite legal here, I'm afraid. That itty-bitty piece of magic paper that you're always making fun of again. No. Not rolling papers, the other magic paper.... Audi's lawyers do always make them put a Darwin clause at the bottom of a driving commercial advising people that professional drivers were used on a closed course. WADR, I don't think it's sends a wrong message at all. Audi is trying to make a PHEV appeal to a wider audience. I might be guessing here, but I'm thinking that the J-turn and the higher-than-Prius speed might be satirical. The fact that women might be more interested in guys with a $50,000 red sports car than a Prius also just might not be completely intended as a legal selling point. Since this is an internet advertisement, Audi doesn't have to put legaleeze type at the bottom of the ad about that either. There's only one clinically proven aphrodisiac.
cool! now if only they weren't german engineering. i don't want to get to know the service manager by his first name.
Neither me too. I'm not a fan of das autos for the same reason, but I have to admire Audi for their commercials. MUCH better than.... The All-New 2016 Prius | Heck on Wheels #GoPriusGo | Toyota - YouTube
agreed, just like the ones they used to run where the lady was putting diesel in her audi and everyone was getting upset and yelling at her to stop. unfortunately, if the product is schlecht, good advertising won't do much but make people laugh.