I have a 2010 Prius II. Forgive the silly question, but where is the place to charge a cellphone? I see a black cover low on the dashboard, but there doesn't seem to be anything below it.
Look in the center console - open the top and there should be a charging point at the back close to the bottom.
The black cover low on the dash is the cap of a 12 volt outlet. You can plug in a 12 volt to usb adapter, or use a charger cord with dedicated 12 volt plug. Or is there literally nothing behind the black cap? Screw up at the factory?
Its in the center armrest console. I bought a 3" USB cord extension and plugged it in there. That way it is easier to access.
Our 2010 only has 12 volt outlets, no usb. OP has 2010, so not sure, maybe depends on country, level?
Mendel, my set-up looks like what you describe. I looked at the back of the console, and I see a 12 volt/120 watt outlet. It looks you could plug a car charger right into it. There is an "aux" plug next to it, but it seems not to open. My fiance has a car charger, and I will try plugging hers into the 12 volt/120 watt outlet. Many thanks to all!
Taking a road trip to Michigan. Using the center console USB port to keep the cell phone charged. Cell mounted on top of center console. Running the Waze GPS app. Have a 2013 model 4 BTW.
The mound of manuals that came in my 2010's glove box included a separate, very generic-looking manual for the USB interface which made me think it was some sort of option, maybe even installable by the dealer or distributor. -Chap
I don't think car charger hookup via interior 12 volt socket would work. The car disconnects outlets when it's off.
So does the USB port. Toyota wants nothing to potentially be able to run the battery dead. Baaaad idea.
What's the manufacture date of your car (should be printed somewhere in the driver's door jamb)? If I recall correctly, some of the earliest US 2010's didn't have USB, but the later ones did. Mine's from January 2010 and has USB inside the console box.
Your picture illustrated an interesting fact. I am missing the console tray! Didn't know it came with one. Mine was bought used last year.
I bought mine aftermarket. Very expensive and totally useless. Live and learn. I believe that tray's design intention was for cell phone of the time. I have a iPhone 6s Plus, so it won't even fit. Other than that I can brag that I have one and you don't.