After jump starting our 2010 "Pearl" [of course we named it] our instrument panel is blank on the right side. No display. I know I am overlooking something...HELP! I thank you all in advance for any suggestions. Jim
Did you have to replace your 12v auxiliary battery? If not, the fact that you had to jump start it is a big tip off that it may be time for a new one. Disconnecting the battery ground cable and waiting a few minutes before reconnecting it will reset/reboot all the computers in the car. Hopefully, the display will reset too.
Thank you "xliderider"...we were gone for 7 weeks and the car just sat [undriven] in the garage. I will try your suggestion. Also...can the battery be charged at these same points; the "+" terminal in the fuse box and then the engine ground? We love this car...but all the techie stuff gets us real confused. Thanks again! Jim
yes, you can charge it at the jump points. keep a close eye on it. a dead battery is a seriously damaged battery. the instrument panel may be an omen.
The fluorescent green display is damaged more likely..... time for a replacement part. It is very unusual for this to happen.