We purchased a used 2012 a couple of months ago and have had no issues with it. A few weeks ago it was in an accident and mostly sat at the body shop for the next two weeks. Got it back a week ago and seemed to work fine for commuting for the next week. Then let it sit for two days and then the next day drove it for a few short trips over a couple of hours. Everything seemed fine. Next morning it won't start. "P lock malfunction when parking, park in flat place and apply parking brake securely. Shift to P position and push power switch to turn off". Cannot shift into D; can shift into N; pushing P button doesn't illuminate the LED on the button or move it out of N. Searching this error indicates often caused by failing 12V battery, and I can see that might be the problem given the age and the abuse the battery has taken the last few weeks. The battery reads 11.84V when car is off and 11.45V when "on" showing the error. I'd like to avoid a $300+ towing bill if possible. I can replace the 12V battery (though that is about the limit of my skills). Does this seem like a likely enough explanation that it's worth the gamble to replace the battery? Or, is there some other simple diagnostic I can do? Alternate explanations are--something got buggered in the accident that didn't surface until now or the groundhog we shooed out from under the car right before it wouldn't start was chewing on something. Thanks for any advice. (and sorry this got long--didn't want to miss anything..)
Firstly, I'd be inclined to have it looked at by your mechanic just to check the 2 options (accident/groundhog damage) - they can test the battery as well and advise. How old is the battery?
Battery is original AFAIK--so ~4 years. And, I have a local mechanic I could have check it, but only w/ a tow. Unless I could convince him to make a house call.. Merged. This because of the 11.84V while off and 11.45V while on readings, or some other reason?
11.84 with everything off is bad. in fact, a 12 volt battery should be more than 12 volts. new, they are 13, typically run about 12.8 after awhile and slowly slide down toward 12. the problem is when you put a draw on, and it slips below the computers needed operating collage. but i should have said you can try charging it and see if it holds. if not, then replace it.
I would always try a charging session first, but in your shoes a fresh battery might be the simplest option. As mentioned above, you can jump start to get the car to the battery, or just pick it up with a freind or a cab. Basic stuff, but: be careful with jumpstart, to get cable orientation right, a mix up can be very expensive. And take your cables or jump pack along.
Just so you know -- your battery was not abused. A good battery would have no problem with sitting and then starting after many short trips. The 12v battery in the Prius is only to energize the computers. Getting a set of jumper cables and properly jumping the car would be the fastest way to determine the problem. If the car starts after the cables are attached -- you know you found the problem. It's not uncommon for a body shop to drain a battery. They often leave doors and trunks open -- ignition on - etc.... With a typical car and 4 year old battery, I would recommend charging the battery. The Prius on the other hand has a very small 12v battery with a reputation of not lasting -- my died at 4 years. Many die at 4 years -- I'm going to replace my other Prius battery at 4 years. My only concern with you just going out and getting another battery -- what did the body shop replace. How much damage? I'm wondering if something else could be happening ....11.8v should energize a 12v system. FYI -- the battery is widely available. They are more expensive vs a typical full sized battery. I don't understand why the car needs the 12v -- with power from the traction battery available. They must have had to do it that way.
I would definitely try charging the existing 12v battery in place before trying jump start procedure. You can actually charge the battery from the "jump start" terminals under the hood. You don't need to go back into the trunk. If you do go back to the trunk, you're probably better off removing the 12v battery and taking to a battery shop (Batteries Plus or Interstate Battery) and have them do a Load Test on it. They will keep it overnight, charge it up, and tell you if it needs replacing or not. I would not jump start the Prius. Too error prone, and the likelihood of damaging sensitive and expensive electronics is too high.
Thank you everyone, for the helpful advice. Today the battery was down to 6.5 V after sitting overnight, so I am just going to have it carted off to the dealer for them to have their way with me. Will update if anything interesting is revealed.
"Carted" equals getting it towed? If just jump start and drive there. And if service is gonna ding you labour charge, you could just pick up the battery. There are third party batteries, but at this juncture I guess you'd rather just get it done?
Yes, carted = towed. 1) Tried jump starting (always terrifying) this morning with no luck. 2) Leery of installing aftermarket battery as this vehicle still has ~10 mos of certified pre-owned warranty. Also, concerned about complaints about recent Optimas and I'd have to drive an hour to get one anyway (don't have a clue about other aftermarket options). 3) We have roadside assistance on insurance which I feel pretty confident will pay for the tow. Yeah, if I was sure it was just the battery, I'd get a replacement in there myself somehow... Thanks
I've had no problems with my Optima battery. Liberty Toyota sold me a crap battery in 2009 for my Gen 2 so there's never any guarantee. Check the new battery's voltage and insure it is fully charged before installation. If your warranty covers the 12v battery then have the dealer swap it out. I'd be surprised if you can't find a battery at any of the local auto parts stores: NAPA, Pep Boys, Autozone, Advance Auto Parts.
So, to finish the story... The dealer determined that animal(s) had chewed the wiring. I assume it was one or more of the family of 3 groundhogs that had been hanging around and have fortunately moved on now. I trust their diagnosis, but am a little more dubious of the charge of $500 to fix it. This was to remove some part to get at the harness, patch some number of wires, wrap it all up in new tape, and reinstall everything. They said the 12V tested good to excellent, so I guess I'll keep an eye on it and hope for the best. Oh, and the garage is cleaned up and the car parked in there now. Searching on the topic, this problem of animals chewing on car wiring has apparently reached epidemic proportions (new wiring has insulation made of, soy, corn, all kinds of food). This is the third of our cars that has been hit, but the previous 2 were cheap quick fixes. Thanks again for the support!
prius has an extensive wiring harness, and sometimes, the whole thing has to be replaced to the tune of thousands of dollars. we have a family of groundhogs eating all the delicacies in our garden.