I thought the Car Talk guys were under the sod....likely along with the kibble snacking dog. Anyway...I'd suggest you Google the vermin issue to discover specific entry points for rats/mice/squirrels. The real problem is that the "natural", "eco-friendly", "environmentally safe" etc; auto materials actually attract vermin. It's a food source. Generally, you'll have a trouble-free experience with an older, petro-based wired vehicle. Occasional nesting might occur, but you don't see aggressive chewing. Eco friendly components, however, are a completely different issue. And these components are typically unprotected by the manufacturer. I'm thinking there's a big change coming... My humble opinion, of course.
Get some hardware cloth and self tapping stainless steel sheet metal screws from the hardware store. Take the mouse proofing instructions and supplies to your local mechanic. Pay him some $$ and that should do it.
Yep, big problem. Hope they fixed it. If you park under trees all the time you are creating a lunch wagon. Also rodents just like to chew on anything. It's their job. Shopping at Prius Chat could save you 15%/
Umm... don't need Prius Chat "15 %" savings. I get my best deals on my own. Thanks. Wow...tough crowd here. I presumed you Prius guys were the typical hold-hand lib types. So be it. For me...I just want a trouble-free wagon at a reasonable price...with little manufacturer/warranty issues...to cart around my three grandkids.
I want a 1948 pick up truck. And yes! We are all pinko commies wearing USSR red shirts. Come to the dark side and feel the hate flow through you.
Oh, thank you for the nightmare!! I have mice in my '13 Prius v5 and not only do they do damage but they carry nasty diseases!! And snakes DO eat mice.....
Greatful for this thread, mice entered the Prius 6 weeks ago overnight. They had a party. The car was detailed and sterilized. Reading some of these comments we thought we blocked any possible entrance. Fast forward last week, while driving my 15 month old daughter started screaming, I looked in the rear view mirror and a mouse was running across her body, another running across the top of the backseat. My heart sank- I nearly crashed and I felt awful as a parent. Pulled over-Needless to say I had the car towed. Called the insurance and called Toyota, Toyota denies ever hearing of the issue. Dealership says they have heard several complaints from customers but can not do anything because Toyota refuses to issues a TSA? ( I'm thinking Toyota service Advisory). My insurance is at a cross roads they want help clean the car. But that doesn't do any good if I can't stop the reason why they keep coming. So my son and I took some advice from this thread and tore the front part of wiper shield off and discovered the design flaw. It looks sealed tight but once you take that shield off you see all the voids and discover why they easily can get in. However what I can't understand is why they keep coming into this car and not my other cars? What are they attracted to? I have zero-zilch-nada things in the car- but they keep coming. In any case there is no doubt an issues with the design. Here are some pics for review. It cost me 2.75 worth of material and a hour time with my son ( which was nice) to hopefully solve the problem. I'm posting via a iPad so I apologize how the photos upload, the left and right side behind that plastic shield have voids, this allows mice to easily get past. Once they are back there, it's straight into the car interior via the vent fan behind the glove box. Toyota knew this was an issue back with Gen 2 , the solution was to put flimsy walls up but they aren't tight and are only made of sponge material as demonstrated via the photos, with the exposed fingers but it doesn't work . The vent hole opening is 12" wide- 7" deep. Metal hardware cloth seems to be the best -It's hard to get a drill into the space with the working area but the use of a impact drill with a stubby bit worked fine- take your time best of luck.
Follow @NutzAboutBolts 's video on spark plugs (pinned in the 3rd gen maint. sect.). You have to remove windshield wipers, their motors and lever arms, and bottom of windshield cowl. Underneath all this is black plastic piece with bendy ends; I believe it's this zone.
It is ridiculous for Toyota to deny this and state they have never heard of Prii having mouse problems. Perhaps if someone from Toyota were to go to a local library, ask to use a computer and then Google "Prius and Mouse problems", they would be enlightened. Or better yet, ask any of their Dealer mechanics who are well aware of mice invading Prii. As shown on many threads here, this can be resolved by using a manner posted here. Toyota needs to man up and both acknowledge the problem and issue a recall for resolving it.
"Follow @NutzAboutBolts 's video on spark plugs (pinned in the 3rd gen maint. sect.). You have to remove windshield wipers, their motors and lever arms, and bottom of windshield cowl. Underneath all this is black plastic piece with bendy ends; I believe it's this zone." visible at 11 minutes 18 seconds on said video.
Nothing much. It's easy getting into the engine bay, for starters. I would think they're squeezing through gaps. Speaking of mice: A man goes to his doctor, says: "Doctor, I keep dreaming about mice playing football (soccer), can you help me?". The doctor gives him a bottle of pills, says: "Take one of these tonight before bed, and repeat nightly. You won't have those dreams anymore". The man thanks him effusively, but then asks: "Would it be alright if I start taking the pills tomorrow night?". Puzzled, the doctor replies: "Sure, but why?". The man says: "Well, tonight's the finals.".
Looking at the engine, on the left side in the corner there is a decent size opening. You'd think it's sealed shut but it isn't. They have a runway right into the side. My 4th photo is area they seem to go to, my 3rd photo is after you take off the cover. In photo #3 if you look near the bolt and the hole where water drains you can actually see a mouse hand print.
Dan thank you. I seen your response late this evening, went out removed everything again. Gosh darn it I couldn't believe -there are 2 vents in the trunk that have plastic guards and flimsy foam flapping door on each side- a small fart could blow these flaps open. We used a flash light and it shines right through to the outside. Unfortunately for me looks like they already came back. They seem to be attracted to something in the car. Hopefully this will help others.
I took my 2015 Prius in for it's 5,000 mile check up, lo and behold mouse issues. The service writer tried dancing round this as a "known problem". He gave in but had no answers for it. The woman who took my cash for the service to drop and clean the blower motor/housing told me (out of earshot of other employees) to check Priuschat for solutions. I told her thanks but that is how I knew it was a common issue to begin with. She got a huge grin on her face.
yup. mice in the wife's prius. i find ot somewhat humorous that a mouse made a home in the hvac "hampster cage". tearing into it now to rat-wire the openings mentioned.