I am curious as to when the HV battery fan should start (certain degree?). I live in Phoenix and today it was 115F and on my drive after work I didn't hear it turn on at all. My Prius was under a tree with shade (but had sun hitting for most of the morning). I remember last year it would always on and most people could agree that its a sound you don't notice at first when in the car. Thank you for responses in advance? This site is the best
is there anyway to check? it worries me and kinda scares me to be driving it if the fan isn't running. Last summer (since its extremely hot here) it always was roaring full blast but today i couldn't hear anything. Tomorrow its suppose to get up to 119F so i could only imagine how hot it will be on the inside of the car
you can put a volt meter on to to see if it's getting power. an ohm meter will tell you if the motor is burned out. that would be unusual, not sure i have heard of it happening before.
gonna go outside and double check again and have someone with me sit at the back and see if they can hear it at all.
Everything is fine. Didn't hear it at all on my drive home (in Phoenix). 115°F on the gauge. The battery is a mass of insulated nickel that is slow to heat/cool in ambient conditions. It's unlikely the battery reached 115°F. Additionally, 115°F isn't particularly high for the battery either. It starts to dial back usage in that area, but it performs well. The fan is very quiet on settings 1-4. It will be on 1-3 most of the time. You can kinda hear it on 5, and 6 is when everybody goes, "Wth is that sound?" If you're running your A/C, you barely hear 6. Run your A/C and keep yourself comfortable. Do that, and the battery is comfortable too.
Went to go get food and I went in the back and it must be on a very low setting cause i could barely feel it or hear it but it was working
NiMH doesn't feel the heat quite like we do. Parking in the shade, using a front windshield shade and keeping the windows cracked 1/2 inch goes a long way towards keeping the interior cooler than just parked in the sun willy-nilly.
Scangauge II, with XGauges programmed in, will show battery temp and fan speed. Keep in mind: even with cool ambient temps the battery temp will climb. In my (3rd gen) experience, driving in cool evening, the battery will be around 35C. Any higher and the fan will come on, at lowest speed. Highest I've seen is around 45C, with fan around 3~4 (out of 6?). Even then, I've yet to hear it, fwiw. Worst case I've found: extended drive on hot day, park and let it sit in sun, get back in and drive some more. Also, found AC use made little or no diff to battery temp.