In my Prius 2005 BC, I enjoyed having the turn list posted on the right hand side of the nav screen. I noticed on my 2016 Prius Four ATP that all I saw were freeway exit lists and the occasional upcoming turn screen. I opened my trusty "Navigation System Owner's Manual" to page 199 and read about Map Mode. I see clearly that Option 4 is the turn list, but on my screen only the first 3 options are present. Is there some thing else that needs to be selected to have option 4? BTW: this is a US market vehicle.
I observed this as well. I think that in order to have Turn List available, you need to have an active Destination...
I just ran a test. I selected a destination and hit GO. Then I checked Map Mode under Options and still only have 3 options. - no turn list. BTW: this map dates to 05-1-2015; I have had the car less than a month and assume that this was the latest software at the time of shipping.
Eric, you were right. It wasn't enough to select a destination and hit GO. Once I started to that destination (a block or so), I could go to Options and select Map Modes. Behold - there was the option for Turn List (on the right side of the Nav screen just like I had in my GEN2 Prius.
Oh, good! Glad to hear it - I hadn't had a chance to double check on mine (I don't really like or use the Toyota Nav much - I prefer Waze) - but I was afraid that there might have been a bug in ours...
For me it comes and goes-- as does the itersection option which looks virtually the same, but with very some minor differences. I believe the kind of road you are traveling -- highway vs city street-- comes into play, but beats me how exactly. If you ever get all the options to light up, I will be impressed!
Can you set this and forget it, as in have it come up forever more unless you change the options again?