Thanks everyone for the replies and discussion so far! Might be a stupid question, but is this just based off of normal price reduction over time or is this something out of the ordinary? From what I gather it seems like prices are dropping faster on the Gen4's and I should wait, or have I just misread? Right now I am eyeing a white/Blizzard Pearl Prius Three with black console applique for 26k, including rebate, taxes and license. Is that too much?
no one knows for sure. it's based mostly on gas prices. they have climbed a bit lately, which would create more demand. but they could drop when driving season is over. who knows? also, toyota has been dealing with a steel plant explosion. when they are back on line, supply could outstrip demand, which would create better deals.
Toyota is in the last days of offering a $1000 rebate OR 0% financing. Later in the year and certainly when the new models are about to come out they probably will offer both to get rid of the 2016 models. So it just depends if you want to wait. I see by your profile you are from California. Is the state tax on vehicles there 7.5%? If so that is just criminal.
I know you weren't directing at me... but in most of California the sales tax rate is 8% (in some Cities it's as high as 9%). Dumb voters (a few years ago agreed to a temporary increase for the money to go for road improvements or schools (Proposition 30). I believe it's scheduled to go back down at the end of 2016. Now that is criminal... and that's dumb! Because it was in our hands!!! People don't think at the ultimate cost!! Once, I bought a car in Vegas... just to escape the sales tax!
I think it's 12%, sales tax on new cars in BC, just for comparison. And trade-in value does not reduce the tax. Can anyone chime in, maybe with links? I tried googling, and it's like pulling teeth trying to find this. Yeah, checked our nov 2010 bill of sale: 12%. No trade, so not sure, but from past experience I believe trade-in does not reduce the tax.
12% - YIKES! By the way, we have one sales tax rate... and it's on everything we buy (not just new cars). Food... some is taxable some is not (depending if it's hot or cold - consumable right away or not etc.)
We have tax on restaurants, fast food, take out, all 6%. It's eerily quiet, when you google "sales tax on new vehicles in bc". Strange that.
IMHO, not worth $2K I guess that is the gateway admission to be able to get the higher content packages, for even more $$$ of course.
Unless the rules have changed, keep in mind that it's only the battery specifically that can be warrantied up to 10 years/150,000 miles in CARB states. The hybrid system is 8 years/100,000 miles for all 50 states. (Hybrid system includes the inverter. The PSD is part of the drivetrain warranty) lol. WA state is 8.1-8.4%. In Canada, it's 5-15% sales tax Some are harmonized, some aren't. (Harmonized means the full 15% on everything. Non harmonized means there are provincial tax exemptions like non cooked groceries) Trade-in does not reduce the tax rate in Canada but it does reduce the taxable amount. e.g. No trade in. new car = $30,000 + 12% tax Trade in New car = ($30,000-$trade-in value) X 12% tax
@Tideland Prius That'd be good. Seems to me a decade or two back, for a while, they did tax the full price, regardless of trade. Was not popular.
Just FYI. I'm in NC. Here when you trade in a vehicle, your sales tax is (Purchase Price - Trade-in Allowance) x 3% Sales Tax. That's it. I used to live in CA and it was a ripoff.
Hmm, I don't remember that. Maybe it happened in between the time we purchased the cars. Sounds like ours. 3% sales tax. Nice.