Engine Link for iPhone

Discussion in 'OBDII iPhone App' started by runnerAZ, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. marlinsmobile

    marlinsmobile Active Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    Sandy Springs (Atlanta), GA
    2013 Prius
    User @Jghake has some really helpful info written up here: iPhone and iPad OBD-II Apps | Maintain-Your-Car
    I used that along with many other posts here to get started, and then figured out some of the details by trial and error. Below is what I learned! I'm going to post the step-by-step here vs. a separate document... I'll let the mods or experienced users advise me if this is bad form!

    There are a few ways to use Prius-specific PIDs in EngineLink:
    1) use the Prius sets that come pre-loaded with EngineLink (not all-inclusive)
    2) enter the formulas directly into the app
    3) enter them into a csv file and transfer that file to the app

    For all three options:
    1. Open EngineLink and swipe left until you find a blank space on your dashboard.
    2. Long press in a blank area (long press = hold your finger on the screen for a second)
    3. The Add New Display Cell dialog will pop up. Choose the display type (e.g. Small Digital).
    4. The PID list will pop up.
    5. Click Edit in the top right corner
    For option #1 (use the pre-loaded sets):
    1. Click Load PIDs in the top right corner
    2. Scroll down and select the appropriate set (e.g. Prius_Gen2_US.csv)
    3. The PID set will load. Click on an available PID to add it to your dashboard. If you're connected to the car, the engine icon will highlight in green if the PID is available.
    For #2 (enter a custom PID into the app):
    1. After you click Edit, click the + in the top left corner
    2. You will be prompted to enter all of the parameters (header, min, max, etc.)
    3. Once you've entered everything, your PID will appear at the bottom of the list.
    4. Click on the new PID to add to your dashboard. If you're connected to the car, the engine icon will highlight in green if the PID is available.
    #3 (import your own PID list) is a little more work. Instructions below assume you're on a PC with Office.
    1. You'll need to create a csv (comma-separated) file with fields in the following order:
      ModeAndPID, ShortName, Min Value, Max Value, Units, Equation, Header
    2. You can type up your own file, or use one of the very thorough lists available for Torque app users (from the generous work of @usbseawolf2000, @vincent1449p, and others) -- Gen 2 | Gen 3 | PiP
      NOTE: you will need to rearrange the columns as listed in step 1 for EngineLink (they are in a different order for Torque)
    3. Download and save the appropriate csv file to your computer.
    4. You can open the csv directly in Excel, but note that it will treat the headers (7E0, 7E2, etc.) as scientific notation. You can fix that manually, or...
      • Open the csv file in a text editor (Notepad, WordPad, Word, etc.)
      • Select all of the text (Ctrl+A), then copy all of the text (Ctrl+C)
      • Open Excel, then paste (Ctrl+V) the text. This will paste all of the data into column A
      • Select column A
      • Go to the Data tab --> Text to Columns
      • Choose Delimited, then click Next
      • Select Comma, then click Next
      • In the Data Preview at the bottom, scroll all the way to the right, and click on the Header column.
      • In the upper left, change the data format to Text, then click Finish
    5. Rearrange the columns in Excel so they match the order in step 1, above
    6. At this point, you may also want to delete the rows for any PIDs you don't want - as mentioned above, you may want to trim down the list to cut down on scrolling while you're in the app. You can always import everything, then delete any unneeded PIDs from the app later
    7. Save the csv file to your computer
    8. Copy the csv file to your phone/iPad:
      • Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer
      • Open iTunes
      • In the upper left corner of the iTunes window, you'll see a list of icons (music, movies, TV...) Click the icon on the right for your phone/iPad
      • From the menu on the left, select Apps
      • Scroll down until you see the Documents area in the lower right. Click on EngineLink in the list on the left
      • Drag your csv document onto the Documents area, or click the Add New button at the bottom of the Documents list, then select your csv file
    9. On your phone/iPad, open EngineLink
    10. Scroll over to a blank space on the dashboard, then long press
    11. Choose a display type (e.g. small digital)
    12. Click Edit in the upper right corner
    13. Click Load PIDs in the upper right corner
    14. Scroll all the way to the bottom, and your custom file should be listed at the bottom. Select your new file.
    15. Now, you can select a PID from your new file to add to your dashboard!
  2. devprius

    devprius /dev/geek

    Jan 2, 2006
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Here's a EngineLink PID list I created for the Generation 3 Highlander Hybrid. You'll need to download the spreadsheet, open it up in Excel/OpenOffice, and then save it in CSV format so that EngineLink will read it properly. PID list is based on the GenIII advanced list in EngineLink with extra stuff added for the Highlander (mostly 2 more ICE cylinders, a bigger battery pack with more modules, and the addition of the rear MG unit).

    Attached Files:

    SFO and marlinsmobile like this.
  3. Oztrax

    Oztrax Junior Member

    Feb 18, 2015
    2006 Prius
    1F6BDD49-262B-4A94-80D7-D82421E75338.png 0CCF471B-4790-4E67-AE95-8A2D86A2D343.png here is how I display engine link data for checking traction battery.
    This lets you drive and see the charging peaks and balance

    I’m looking into battery temp/fan as I live in the tropics.

    What sort of battery temp do you guys get in summer ?

    I worked out the battery fan is default on with aircon on.

    Meaning it’s off with aircon off and cooler ambient temps


    Attached Files: