Although everybody has to fork up the same amount per gallon of gas (we do pay as much as them, just not as often) large SUV/truck drivers are haters. Either because they're rich and can afford the gas but they're stuck up or because they can't afford the gas or the car so they're pissed at you because you can. I admit. Even $21,000 for the base model is kinda expensive but if you think about everything it comes with it's well worth it. Most "middle class" people see a car starting at $21,000 and pass it up for a car that starts at $15,000 not realizing that after they get the top package it's up to the $20,000s and they're stuck with the same stuff the Prius comes standard with. The base price drives people away but they're pissed once they have a cheaper, larger vehicle they're payin out the wazoo for in gas. They're just haters but if you stay in the slow lane going at least the speed limit and only get in the left to pass (which it's intended for) then you wont have so many riding your a$$. Other than that just ignore them. They should stop if Iogen ever comes down to the US.
Yes they are haters... 1st most people after 911 when 0% was big traded up way up from there smaller cars to the tanks. Remember they are stuck for 5-7yr so they are getting screwed for there 0% move. And for all those dum.. to buy an SUV after should remember that the MF's ( Chev, Ford, ect) were bumping the price on those SUVs 250-350 dollars per quarter to make up for the 0%. Wonder why a Tahoe LT now cost over 40k. 2nd it does not matter if you are in the slow lane and doing to speed limit of a little more aholes in there gas cows still like to ride your a$$ becouse they are Aholes. 3rd My baby has video linked front and rear when one hits me I am ready and I think I will really be in the drivers seat and I will have the last laf........ Shiver me tembers
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(plasm @ May 17 2006, 02:13 AM) [snapback]256729[/snapback]</div> I agree, I agree, I agree. I made the statement last year to my wife and son that SUV and Pickup Truck drivers are rude and have no respect for cars. I then began to point out (everytime we where driving around in the Camry) each incident when a SUV/PU would pull out in front of me, cut me off, or tail gate me. :angry: I wish the law enforcement community would enforce tailgating and reckless driving laws. Oh yea, something else I pointed out is the most SUV/PU drivers don't use their blinkers when turning toward you at an intersection. When I have one of those guys tailgate me in the Prius, I just slow down. Sometimes I wish gasoline was $6/gallon and then maybe some of the inconsiderate drivers wouldn't be driving what they are themselves....on the cell phone...sucking up my oxygen. Enough with raising my blood pressure. Now I will return to my usually calm and considerate self.
I have to admit that before I picked up my 06 Seaside #5 yesterday and joined the ranks of Prius owners at last that I was thinking that there was nothing special about the rudeness of drivers towards any other driver since many are so rude anyway. However, on my way home last night, I was driving down a local road on which people sometimes follow the speed limit. :lol: If you like to drive relatively fast, it is sometimes annoying. Well, I was behind a minivan that I thought was going somewhat slow for the area, when I heard the brief sound of a horn behind me, and looked into my rear view mirror to see an SUV virtually ready to pass me up - and cross a double yellow to do so. The SUV driver pulled back in - perhaps after realizing that they would have had to pass two vehicles in order to get ahead of slow moving traffic. The road is two lane except at a traffic light. Well, wanting to get out from behind the minivan, I pulled into the lane at the light that the minivan did not pull into. The SUV pulled in behind the minivan. Sure enough, the light changed, and I was quickly ahead of all the slow moving traffic while still obeying the speed limit. The SUV eventually found its way past all the slow moving traffic, however, I was making a turn, and put on my turn signal well in advance. By this time, though, the SUV had pulled in behind me, and stayed behind me when I was stopped for the turn. Before I made the turn, the slow traffic had caught up (the road at this point was four lane), so the SUV was stuck behind me while I was waiting for traffic to make my turn. Well, when the SUV could, it screeched its wheels and passed me in the right-hand lane. Well, I'll see if this sort of thing happens again, but the original poster may not have been paranoid after all. For the time being, I'll refrain from speculation as to what was really going on in the mind of the SUV owner. However, its pretty clear to me that there was some rudeness there.
Ok, time for me to chime in on this one. If you can't figure out by my avatar I drive an Explorer. :lol: What vehicle a person drives doesn't have anything to do with how they drive. Now granted there are plenty of A**holes driving around in SUVs, there are also plenty of a**holes driving around in cars. Normally I drive with the flow of traffic which is usually about 5-10 over the limit. I don't normally tailgate (the exception is if you are going about 20 under the limit, then I might be a little closer.) :lol: I avoid stomping on the gas and brake, not necessarily because it wastes gas, but also because it tears up the car faster. Secondly, I don't "hate" Prius drivers. Yes I find it silly to buy a hybrid just to save some money on gas, but that's just my opinion. However I don't like being passed by hybrids, and if I see a Prius closing in on me, I'll speed up so they don't pass me :lol: Finally, while I'm talking about driving... For the love of God, use your turn signals! It gets on my nerves when people make turns and change lanes without signaling!!! :angry: That is all for now. B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Expedition @ Jun 3 2006, 05:18 PM) [snapback]265324[/snapback]</div> What an intelligent and secure individual.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Jun 3 2006, 08:57 PM) [snapback]265334[/snapback]</div> Dude, what is your problem? I try to give a serious answer to a question someone asked, and you just have to go be a sarcastic nice person. You wonder why some people dislike hybrid owners? It's because of stuck up jerks, like yourself, who think they are better than everyone because they drive a hybrid.
I take it none of you have ever seen a troll on a message board? You all seem to have fallen for one.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Expedition @ Jun 3 2006, 09:09 PM) [snapback]265339[/snapback]</div> I'm sure a mod will edit your post for that language. You wonder why some people dislike SUV owners? It's because of stuck up jerks, like yourself, who think they are better than everyone because they drive a SUV and use bad language. To keep my post on track with the topic I have seen more people tailgating and cutting me off. Mostly people in SUVs but around here most people drive trucks, vans, and SUVs. I have not changed my driving habits much since getting the Prius. I drive the speed limit and try to obey all traffic laws. I do P&G when there is no one around through.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Expedition @ Jun 3 2006, 06:09 PM) [snapback]265339[/snapback]</div> Just reinforces my point. Your avitar may have a red vehicle but I believe your true colors may run to the green with envy side. Course, Trolls are often depicted as green goblin like characters. Have a nice day!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Expedition @ Jun 3 2006, 10:09 PM) [snapback]265339[/snapback]</div> I didnt' get the feeling that Salsawonder was trying to be a sarcastic nice person, but rather make an observation. You admitted that you didn't want to be passed by a hybrid and would speed up to just to make sure you weren't. Sounds very insecure to me. It has nothing to be with anyone else on this board being a stuck-up jerk.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(theforce @ Jun 3 2006, 06:20 PM) [snapback]265344[/snapback]</div> I feel that the problem is one that does go much deeper than just what car we drive. I was in Santee this week when I saw this monster truck being driven by an early 20's girl. She went through a stop sign to cut me off in main traffic, then sat at the corner light talking on her phone when she could have legally turned right. Her plate holder said "Courtesy My *$$, True California B***h". Santee is one of those areas that you don't go to often if you are black, muslim, gay.... But I still found it difficult to understand why someone would want to present themselves this way. Has it really become more acceptable to satify your own needs at the cost of others? Has courtesy died?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Jun 4 2006, 01:29 AM) [snapback]265465[/snapback]</div> In the eyes of some, apparently the answer is yes. I like to think that their attitudes will come back to haunt them someday. Interestingly enough, you may have hit the nail on the head with the notion of a deeper problem. There was an article on the front page of our newspaper this morning citing a University of Chicago study that "named" "Road Rage" something like "Temporary Explosive Disorder", and said that something like 5 percent of the population suffer from it. Their answer - take anti-depressants and go to anger management classes. Supposedly, this "disorder" has been around for a long time, however, "Road Rage" was not associated with it until recently. So, just remember. Have pity on the rude driver since they are ill.
In addition to my 2005 Prius, I also own a 2002 Ford Thunderbird and a 2003 Acura MDX. I have to say that when I drive the Prius, sometimes people either tailgate me or try to pass because I think they feel the Prius is somehow underpowered or slow. This very rarely happens when I drive the MDX and NEVER happens when I'm in the Bird. With some drivers, I think it's just an inaccurate perception about the car. With time, I feel these attitudes will change.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wiyosaya @ Jun 6 2006, 10:51 AM) [snapback]266597[/snapback]</div> I bet it was Intermittent Explosive Disorder. It has been around for awhile and I can attest that some people do certianly have it. Basically it is a person reacts well above and beyond what most people would do in a stressful situation causing some type of damage (to people or things).
How 'bout this gem from my drivers' ed (in 197--um...never mind--just say "back when Model Ts ruled the road, ok? ): TAP your brake pedal to flash the brake light at someone who is tailgating. It REALLY flips 'em out! OTOH, my hubby often chooses to cruise in the passing lane (and that was one I got wrong on a written test once--the left lane is called the PASSING lane, NOT the fast lane!) and gets pissed when I tell him to move the hell over. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(electricity_guzzler @ May 18 2006, 07:16 PM) [snapback]257812[/snapback]</div> ok not 100--how 'bout 80-85+? (As to "why would you be driving 100mph with a prius anyway"--why not?) In any case, I believe the 100mph was a synonym for FAST. In any case, they do. Look at Rte I5 through California's central valley. (See this story and this other story.)
Granted, I've only driven a Prius for 450 miles so far, but I haven't noticed a difference. I just traded from a beemer (despite the bmw reputation, I did not ever tailgate, it is my biggest peeve, so I'm not going to do it either) and I also try to never do more than 3 mph > posted limit, I even enforce it on myself by using cruise on all roads. I would definitely get tailgated sometimes for doing this, but I've had 3 speed-trap tix in my lifetime for doing 5mph over ... determined to never let that happen again. Anyways, I wondered if when I got my Prius, it would be worse, I was thinking that a would-be tailgater seeing a bmw going the limit would say "oh, he's just being a good guy, he could go way faster if he wanted, I'll just go with the flow", but then seeing the Prius the would-be tailgater may say "damn treehugger, piece of crap hybrid can't even do the limit, get out of my way!". But, it seems no different, so far anyway. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(busyrosy @ May 17 2006, 01:54 AM) [snapback]256723[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(micheal @ Jun 6 2006, 02:42 PM) [snapback]266777[/snapback]</div> Yes, that's what it was. I read the article in the paper this morning; here's a link to it: Interestingly, when I was searching for the online story, I fund that Rush Limbaugh had jumped all over this (if anyone is suspect of having this syndrome, he is) and he went on to make fun of people with other mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (which, as a layman, I don't believe are in the same category.) Now I see where the demeaning comments made about people with mental health problems in other threads on this forum originate.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hobbit @ May 17 2006, 10:54 AM) [snapback]256886[/snapback]</div> YOU ARE NOT PARANOID - This car gets under many people's skin for many reasons. i just got a new prius. wife hates it, family hates it, friends hate it, well maybe not completely hate but many have a strong reaction and must comment on the car indefinitely. they can't let it rest! this car really bothers them.... could be the war (wouldn't be in mideast if they only had banana groves), could be gas prices, could be their highly leveraged lifestyle, could be the insulting vw ego commercials, could be that you don't even care to keep up with the jones' and run the rat race, etc. etc. i have never seen people so concerned or bothered ever in my life over a stupid car. big deal it gets you from a to b, is cheap, green, etc. might be a smart choice maybe not. who cares? for some damn reason many do and they will subtiley attempt to attack you. let it slide and enjoy your ride. you're not being paranoid at all. all of the conversations i've had in only a few months with the verbal and non-verbal ques definitely are manifesting themselves on the road as well imo. just enjoy driving. don't preach and definitely don't slow down traffic.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ May 17 2006, 08:09 AM) [snapback]256789[/snapback]</div> I like that. It made me laugh.