Why Priuses annoy me

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by bluntguy, May 22, 2006.

  1. bluntguy

    bluntguy New Member

    May 22, 2006
    Nope, I don't want or own a Prius. I drive a 96 Civic and get mileage that's good enough for me, (30MPG). My next car will likely be a 2007 Honda Fit.

    I hate Hybrids, because California gave them Smug status. Until they give carpool lanes back to carpoolers, I'll continue to hate them. Today I counted 17 hybrids of 100 cars in the carpool lane on my drive to work, in San Jose, CA. This perk is a mistake and making all those drivers around you hate you, because of the unfairness of this law. Unfortunately, it will just only get worse as more people buy Hybrids specifically for that quicker drive to work. At the moment, traffic on the ride home from work has several sections of stop and go traffic in the carpool lane. If 17% are not carpoolers, but Hybrid drivers, then without them in that lane, traffic might be a lot clearer for legitimate carpool drivers. If I were a carpooler and was sacrificing the freedom of having a car to use during my workday for the sake of getting a quick path to work, and then all of a sudden that perk was removed due to hybrid drivers - I too would hate hybrid drivers. Those carpoolers likely will be more apt to just not carpool anymore and thus make it all worse for all of us.

    I'm happy you get 50MPG. Congrats. Just don't support the California Hybrid/Carpool lane perk. You get better mileage in Stop-n-go traffic anyway ;)
  2. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bluntguy @ May 22 2006, 10:24 AM) [snapback]259262[/snapback]</div>
    Good, then you'll like me. I don't use it. :)
  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    1)Actually, we get better mpg at a slower constant speed, not stop-and-go.

    2)You can protest the law. Take it up with your state representative. Send a letter to the govenator, send a letter to the state highway department. Take up the cause. But don't blame the car. It isn't the car's fault they passed the law. There was no assurance, or even the remote belief when the car was developed that they would be welcome as solo-operator HOV vehicles.

    3)The HOV lanes serve a dual purpose. a)reduce emissions by lower the total number of vehicles on the road, b)reduce fuel consumption. In exchange for encouraging folks to do a) & B) they have the opportunity to travel in a faster traffic lane. Arguably (and there are legitimate arguements to the contrary) the Prius accomplishes both of these tasks in a single vehicle. I average nearly double your car's FE in my Prius and my emissions from that car are dramatically lower than 1/2 of yours. My one car accomplishes the goal of the HOV even when I'm the solo driver.

    4)I don't think the people in the HOV lane Prii are doing it to be "smug" (despite the South Park episode). They're doing it to 1)save gas, 2)reduce pollution, and 3)to speed their drives to work (among a multitude of other reasons). That ISN'T to say that many of us aren't smug about our Prius--I don't live withing 250 miles of an HOV lane and I'm smug as hell about my Prius the higher the price of gas goes.

    5)There is nothing making the hybrid HOV law permanant. At the point in time that it becomes clear that Hybrids will continue and they become a major player amongst the number of vehicles on the road THEN consideration for revoking that law will likely be entertained...and rightly so. Once we've accomplished one step of saving gas and reducing emissions we should set the bar higher still...I think you'll find a lot of agreement on that point even amonst us Prius snobs...
  4. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bluntguy @ May 23 2006, 01:24 AM) [snapback]259262[/snapback]</div>
    I absolutely gree with you about the carpool lane perk; although we don't have hybrid carpool access in Washington. If we did, I wouldn't use them unless I had a passenger or two. The purpose of HOV should be to reduce the number of vehicles on the highway, not promote one type or class of vehicle over another. If the government wants to encourage high mileage cars, it should tax vehicles by carbon emissions/horsepower or weight.

    That said, I think the tone of your email suggests painting alll hybrid owners with the same brush, or to assume that smugness comes with every Prius. The car consumer paradigm is shifting towards higher mileage cars, though, and those who've opted for the highest mileage cars might not be faulted for feeling good about doing that after years of living in an SUV-worshipping culture.

  5. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    It's funny, Bluntguy. The arguments you make against hybrids in the HOV lane are fully supported by many of the members of this board. Many believe that the HOV lane should promote carpooling and the reduction of cars on the road. Of course, the fewer cars on the road and the less emmissions you have. That has turned into "I create fewer emmissions even with only one person and therefore I should qualify." Many - even hybrid owners - disagree.

    At the same time, many on this board also believe that allowing HOV access is only a temporary incentive to drive the purchase of hybrids. Hopefully, long before hybrids choke the HOV lanes, law makers will remove the access and return the HOV lane to its intended "high occupancy" status. You indicated that your hatred for hybrids will continue until they lose their smug status; hopefully once that happens you will come back to Priuschat and we can convince you to concider one. ;)

    Gotta admit, I'm a bit surprised that you took the time to register a name just to tell us that you don't like hybrids. On the other hand, your arguments are valid and welcomed on Priuschat.

    Dammit!! Someone walks into my cube, I get distracted for, like, ten minutes and suddenly I'm not 'first responder' anymore. Oh well.
  6. RichBoy

    RichBoy New Member

    Mar 31, 2006
    haha...Im glad you are annoyed, it makes me laugh even harder when Im in the lane, alone..pulsing..gliding...and your in your old junker getting frown lines...baha. I got a Prius !
  7. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006

    Welcome to PC! We have plenty of room here for differing opinions.

    I agree with your opinion that the State shouldn't use HOV lanes as all-purpose rewards. Your gripe, however, is not with hybrid drivers. It's with pandering politicians. 99.9% of us did not ask for HOV rights, although some have bought hybrids to take advantage of the privilege.

    The State does have an interest in people switching to high-MPG, low-emissions hybrids. A straight-up $1K rebate would be fine with me. :)
  8. bluntguy

    bluntguy New Member

    May 22, 2006
    I am sure many members of this board aren't too in favor of the carpool lane perk. But, if I do a visual check on the road on my trip to work, I rarely see a hybrid without the stickers, unless it's a brand-new car. So yeah, I do have the animosity, because I will associate Hybrid drivers with carpool cheaters, (IMHO).

    People like you are reasons why people are, "paranoid", of other drivers tailgating you, cutting you off, and flipping you off. You're an example of the, "Smug", factor. If you didn't have such an elitist attitude, then maybe us, "non-Hybrid", drivers wouldn't be so reactionary.

    If I was singling out Prisuses, please excuse me. This is a comment on any Hybrid with decals. The reasons Priuses are so obvious is because they don't make a gas only Prius and of course because of their unusual shape.

    Yes, I do plan to write my representative.

    No, it does not. The HOV lane isn't about emission reduction, but about reducing the amount of cars on the road, thus not having to add more lanes to our highways.
  9. Jim1eye

    Jim1eye Shaklee Ind Distributor

    Sep 10, 2005
    2022 Prius Prime
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bluntguy @ May 22 2006, 02:25 PM) [snapback]259292[/snapback]</div>
    From the CA Legislative Analyst's webpage:
    State law declares that HOV lanes are "to stimulate and encourage the development of ways and means of relieving traffic congestion on California highways and, at the same time, to encourage individual citizens to pool their vehicular resources and thereby conserve fuel and lessen emission of air pollutants." Federal law and the policies of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) also encourage the construction of HOV lanes for the purposes of congestion reduction and air quality improvement.

    Sure sounds to me like it is about both relieving traffic and emission reduction.
  10. gschoen

    gschoen Member

    May 9, 2004
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    PLEEEZE I know plenty of smug drivers and most of them don't drive a Prius. Think 50yr old in a Corvette or 25yr old in monster truck. They have to be smug about something other than lacking anatomy.

    I don't agree with the HOV Hybrid rules, Hybrids don't reduce traffic or congestion. Since I don't live in an HOV state, it's really not my issue. So BluntGuy good luck with your campaign.
  11. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    HOV lanes were not created to make commuters happier by reducing their commute times. They were created because of the Clean Air Act of 1990. The Federal Government imposed pollution standards in this legislation and required the states make attempts to meet them. Regions where the pollution levels exceeded federal standards were required to implement "Transportation Control Measures" (TCMs) to reduce emissions from "mobile sources". One such TCM is the HOV lane.

    So, HOV lanes exist because the Clean Air Act required them, and the Federal Government would assist in paying for them. Their goal is pollution reduction, not happy commuters, other wise it would have been the Happy Commuter Act.

    Have you ever wondered why the states had to wait until Congress approved single-occupant hybrids in HOV lanes before the states could pass laws allowing single-occupant hybrids in HOV lanes? It was because Congress had to acknowledge that HOV lanes that allowed single-occupant hybrids were still considered TCMs under the Clean Air Act.
  12. comptec1

    comptec1 New Member

    Apr 7, 2006
    Yea,, I do to I cant get my second one till next year.
  13. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)
    No HOV lanes near me --
    My position is equivacal. Prii do not improve congestion, but improve emissions -- both anticipated under Federal law. My reading is congestion first, emissions second, but that is a matter of interpretation. I guess more than anything I view the entire perk as proving the law of unintended consequences; specifically, encouraging people to drive faster (since they have an open road), and arguably more (for the same reason). I read the other day tha Florida now allows the hybrid Higlander in HOV lanes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. But then, it runs in the family.

    I say tax consumption, and let the efficient and inexpensive Honda Fit, public transportation, and carpooling among other modalities take part in the limelight. It is *not* about the tech; it should be about specific results.
  14. MikeSF

    MikeSF Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    San Francisco
    2006 Prius
    While I do agree with the use of carpool for single occupancy cars this "perk" is for the most part temporary in an effort help booster the idea of cleaner air alternative vehicles, not an effort to increase the "smug" of hybrid owners. You want to talk smug look at all the SUVs out there with personalized (anything), rims, lights, tv screens, all of that.

    But I will use the carpool lane with just me in the car, sorry you don't like it, but hey its a benifit that is given to me for my choice in cars I'm going to use it if there is a need. Personally I think the carpool lanes in the BayArea suck big donkey.. tail... since carpool lanes are classified as have 3 people or more where the rest of the known universe they have 2 people as carpool.

    Just keep your anger to yourself and don't express it in violent ways, for the same reason I hate ALL suv drivers for increasing the price of gas (hey it is a supply/demand issue after all right?) I don't go vandelize or try to run SUV drivers off the road.

    The only time I really get smug is instances where I'm sitting in traffic not moving and my car isn't using 1 ounce of gasoline while all others around me are, or when I fill up my tank and I happen to look over at a large SUV and see his total cost of gas (knowing also I drove 3x as much as he did too!)
  15. jmpenn

    jmpenn New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Rockaway, NJ
    NJ doesn't have a whole lot of HOV lanes. The only place I know of is on the turnpike. I don't drive on the Turnpike.

    Two main reasons I'm buying my Prius.

    1) I'm tired of paying $60+ a week for gas in my Durango.
    2) I like the cargo space inside of the car with the seats folded down.

    If I need to haul something bigger, I'll rent a truck with the money I'm saving in gas. :)
  16. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bluntguy @ May 22 2006, 12:24 PM) [snapback]259262[/snapback]</div>
    You probably shouldn't burn that bridge yet, since the perk (one which many of us don't have anyway) will expire.

    I'm not too thrilled about all the guzzlers (those lucky to get 15 MPG and aren't even used for the purpose they were designed) causing supply shortages, which drive up the cost of gas. But I'm willing to wait until hybrids are widely available before saying I hate them.
  17. mmmdowning

    mmmdowning Junior Member

    Apr 11, 2006
    Spotsylvania, VA
    2012 Prius v wagon
    I think HOV lanes are a joke, let everyone use them, all of our tax dollars paid for it so let everyone use it. Here in the DC area during the restriction times it's not even being used to the capacity it could be.
  18. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ May 22 2006, 02:57 PM) [snapback]259308[/snapback]</div>
    Hmmm, but seeing how Congress changed the Federal law to specifically allow single-occupant hybrids in the HOV lane, how does that affect your "congestion first, emissions second" interpretation?

    You also have to ask yourself, why is congestion even considered in the Clean Air Act? To make commuters happy or as a way of reducing pollution? If your answer is reducing pollution, then wouldn't that make emissions the primary factor, not congestion?
  19. mike0422

    mike0422 New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
    Northern VA

    Let's be real.

    First off smugness was an option with my Prius. The dealer didn't charge for it so I took it.

    Second, you have a right to drive in the carpool lane because the law says so. Do it, enjoy it. Are those that are against driving in the carpool lane also against the tax credit for buying a hybrid? After all, doesn't that eventually make everyone elses taxes higher to make up for it? I'll take the credit and the HOV lane should the opportunity arise. No guilt with either.
  20. subarutoo

    subarutoo New Member

    Jan 18, 2006
    Chatsworth, CA
    2006 Prius
    Dude, get over it. Most of us "smug" hybrid drivers would have bought one without the HOV lane. I lost 2-3 mpg by using the HOV lane but save almost an hour on my commute. I can always buy more gas, time is a finite commodity. If you get the best of both (time and mileage), somebody is always gonna be left out, and pissed. When the laws change, everybody will be happy. Until then, don't whine to us, whine to the people who make the laws.