Hey guys I'm really flustered trying to fix this annoying issue for the longest time. I have an iPhone 5s and I connect it to the Prius bluetooth car multimedia system. Whenever I initiate Siri to make a voice call from my contacts phone book the call will initiate but immediately drop?? This is really annoying and I've tried numerous times deleting the pairing and the devices from both the iPhone bluetooth settings and the Audio/Phone settings in Prius. Does anyone have this same issue and does anyone know how to fix this? Help!!
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but this is still relevant. The problem lies with how Siri connects to the head unit. On the Nav model we have two Bluetooth channels. One for audio (music) and one for phone calls. When the home button is pressed for Siri activation it goes to the phone Bluetooth channel which then hangs up when Siri stops listening which then never makes the call. At some point for a short while (I assume an iOS update) temporarily fixed this by having Siri use the phone mic but the audio Bluetooth channel for feedback. This was very short lived and disappeared rather quickly. I haven't found a solution that allows you to choose the Bluetooth channel in the Prius for Siri. iPad ?
My 5s seems to work fine, but there is that time lag to contend with. I don't have a voice command button, but if I engage Siri on the phone, I have to wait for the BT system to catch up or it doesn't catch all that I said.