<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 20 2006, 06:36 PM) [snapback]258622[/snapback]</div> NEW POLE: Is this a dumb question or what? Having said that, it has been interesting to read the responces!!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mehrenst @ May 20 2006, 09:57 PM) [snapback]258680[/snapback]</div> :huh: Wife Beating? :blink: :huh: I would have to agree with most of the others, there should be an example. Of what is concidered un-american & american.. just a greneralization.....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 20 2006, 07:36 PM) [snapback]258622[/snapback]</div> Wait a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just last month someone posted an article by an automotive expect who blamed the tanking of GM on all of us buying Priuses/Prii??. Basically calling ALL OF US "UN-AMERICAN" for buying foreign cars. (Didn't we got through this years ago?) SO, by his definition everyone on this list who actually owns a Prius is UN-AMERICAN! Those who haven't gotten their's yet - there's still time to save yourself! and you get to vote the way you want. Have fun! :lol:
I refuse to vote on the poll too. I'm not anti-American but I hate how most people think we Americans are so much better than anyone else.
My brother (very lioberal IMO) and I got into an argument about this sort of thing..and in the end..it became obvious...We BOTH wanted the same thing, safety, health care, no poor, blah blah...we just had different opinins on HOW to achieve it. I think any TRUE anti-american would either leave or be activly trying to destroy gov't institutions. I voted PRO, but I agree with the sentiment that it is a poor poll.
It's a stupid poll. Anyone who lives here is pro-American or they would move away. Now if you replace "American" with "Current American Government Administration" you would get a totally different answer. Perhaps we should have a basic online poll creation class whereby polls are a little more reasonably thought out and presented. Not meaning to attack this specific poll creator, but this poll demonstrates how FAUX NEWS 'creates' their polls to support their ideology then reports back to the general public how their polling 'supports' certain views.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Schmika @ May 22 2006, 09:47 AM) [snapback]259222[/snapback]</div> Yes poll is 'touched', but not by an angle. Anyways, I thought Schmika's observation is something that people seem to be forgetting. The political polerization (no pun intended) of this country is NOT GOOD and is distracting us from what really matters... solving our problems.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ May 22 2006, 12:35 PM) [snapback]259251[/snapback]</div> Right on Tripp, BOTH sides of the aisle have reduced the national debate to one of demogogueing (butchered THAT spelling). There is no middle ground..you are for us or against us. Did you see I said BOTH sides? Now, I believe the left started it and are deeper into it....but whatever. BTW, I think Bush himself does not demogogue. I think the minority speakers in both houses do. I think the majority speakers in both houses do not. I think Clinton did not...I think Hillary does. I think I'll start a thread that tries to speak to the resonable people who are left.
No "on-line poll class" is going to make any of these polls valid. Polls usually are biased in the way they word the question and in what choices they offer. This one is unusually eggregious. But the best-case scenario on PC is we would find out the opinions of about a hundred technically-minded Prius enthusiasts who have access to the internet and enough spare time to read and participate in these forums. And a lot of PC participants don't even come to Fred's. Polls here are a game. Our arguments on social and religious issues may be serious, but our polls are not.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 21 2006, 03:17 AM) [snapback]258788[/snapback]</div> This post requires long overdue reply in a form of argumentum ad-hominem. Your expostulating notion draws an inference of your antipathy toward all of those whom you label and condemn to be intransigent "leftos", your puerile advocacy of extremism, nothing else. I doubt you're even capable to define 'liberalism' without resorting to lurid polemics. Great rectitude on your part in disseminating "liberalism" as a mere plague "far worst than terrorism", like you proclaimed in one of your posts. Should one take your political drivel seriously? Never! Presented drool of yours, is just a typical repressed and delusional affliction of repugnance, connoted continuously as your scheme of never ending erroneous aphorism. You're stuck in your own infantalization of nationalistic ethnocentricity, while the rest of Americans have recognized a sociopolitical internationalism as a paradigm in current era; an inevitable direction for a society to coexist and compete on a global scale. Longevity of bullying (your form of presented radicalism) has an extremely short span, usually followed by acute consequences. Some day you may or may not, arrive to such rational. It's confounding to read your hideous "ejaculation" of pus from your psyche, while luck of your empathy is pharisaically astounding. Peace
LOL! Reminds me of the scene in V for Vendetta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PR1T3KKLVs...0for%20Vendetta Voilà ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.... <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ May 23 2006, 06:47 PM) [snapback]259972[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mirza @ May 23 2006, 07:05 PM) [snapback]259978[/snapback]</div> I humbly bow to the maestro of lexicon himself.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ May 23 2006, 06:47 PM) [snapback]259972[/snapback]</div> You know, I didn't even bother reading your post. Pancakes taste good with the right amount of maple syrup... ...pour out the whole bottle onto the pancakes, and what have you got? Yup, your post.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 23 2006, 07:26 PM) [snapback]259990[/snapback]</div> -glib-
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ May 20 2006, 08:15 PM) [snapback]258639[/snapback]</div> Hey, I tried, but my poll didn't even come close to this one. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ May 21 2006, 12:15 PM) [snapback]258857[/snapback]</div> I will provide an example of something that is un-American- calling someone un-American because he has a different point of view than you.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ May 24 2006, 08:07 PM) [snapback]260620[/snapback]</div> Introducing, the SUPER ACTION DSUNMAN-BOT! Programmed to repeat the phrase "ad-hominem" at least 100 times per minute! Yours NOW for $19.95, that's right, $19.95! Call NOW, first 100 callers will receive a complimentary, bright red, Commie F*G! t-shirt! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ May 24 2006, 08:25 PM) [snapback]260631[/snapback]</div> Yet that in itself is un-American....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 24 2006, 10:50 PM) [snapback]260695[/snapback]</div> hey, I give you credit for the malarky, indeed! :lol: given my druthers, the re-labeled 'squidly' and hacked bot should repeat the phrase 'liberals!, help liberals!' :lol: -glibly glibber- <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ May 24 2006, 08:25 PM) [snapback]260631[/snapback]</div> Micheal, thanks for bringing this reasoning to their attention...