My car seems to randomly beep when I turn it off. Yes, I noticed it does it if I leave my lights on. It also does it sometimes when my door is open. But not always. The beep is constant until I shut the door. Is there some trick because sometimes I do not hear beeping at all even when I open the door. Do I have to press the button before I open the door or vice versa? My car really does seem to have a mind of it's own with these beeps that are driving me insane.
I don't know if I just need more coffee, but my answer for the day seems to be "I don't know". Obviously, assuming you are shutting down properly, and the vehicle is really off..then you should get no random beeps. Your assertion that everything is shut off properly leaves me with no suggestion. Being so new, you would think it would NOT be a fob battery issue, but that's an easy and relatively inexpensive step to take to see if the issue resolves. Assuming you have two fobs? Have you tried switching and carrying the other to see if the issue remains?
Well I was assuming the beeping was after the vehicle had been properly powered down. But yeah, if you're opening the door before powering it off, it's going to beep.
It continues to beep if you open the door first then power down. I assume it stops when I close the door after exiting the vehicle.
Is this the "problem" that started the thread? Because if so, NO problem, it's just what the vehicles does. My advice would be just power off before exiting....99% of the time this is a good idea. Very rarely do I have need to open the door while the vehicle is still powered up. And if you know it will beep in that state? No Problem. But you said " seems to randomly beep when I turn it off"...which makes me think this is NOT the problem you have.
Mine does the exact same thing and it really drives me and my wife insane. It's really annoying and I can't find a solution to shut it off.