Hacking your Prius By Daniel Terdiman Staff Writer, CNET News.com Published: May 22, 2006, 4:00 AM PDT Heaven knows, Prius owners love their hybrid cars. But some of the most passionate among them are finding there are certain factory-set features they don't like, and they're increasingly finding ways to take matters into their own hands to change them. They're the do-it-yourself Prius hackers, many of whom likely are more comfortable in front of a computer than in a garage. But unlike early generations of car buffs, they're more interested in saving the planet than winning a drag race. Click HERE
Obviously written by a non-owner who doesn't quite understand how the car works: Complete with disinformation from a "Toyota spokesperson": But otherwise a positive and entertaining article.
I think a more accurate statement would be "... they want them faster than the market will dish them out" If I can do it, you're telling me the millions in R&D at Toyota is unable to make available? Pfffbt. Yet which package is it that while yes does give hands free really streamlines the act of talking on the phone? And there's a LAW requiring an 8 year warranty on the batteries?
The article mentions MAKE magazine, a really good rag for do-it-yourselfers. There have been some prius hack challenges on their blog recently. (www.makezine.com) Also noticed Coastal Dave is featured in big bold red letters.
I want to say it's tied to the CARB states (CA, NY, et al). Emissions equipment must last a certain amount of time. The Prius battery is part of the emissions systems. Cheers, Curt.