I Lost My Smart Key Dont Know Where,and I Called Toyota And Its Really Expensive To Get A Spare One..cost $180.00 For The Smart Key,$120.00 For Programming And $17.oo To Cut The Blade..does Any One Here Lost Their's And Ended Up Buying From Ebay Or Somewhere Else??there's A Seller On Ebay Pre-owned Smart Key For 120 Bucks And Would That Work To Reprogram To My System?any Advice Or Recommendation?thanks!
I just my Prius this week and inquired about a 3rd FOB. I was quoted $205 for the FOB and $35 for programming. Don't know if the key is a "special" Toyota coded manual key but I went to Walmart today and they cut me one from their stock of blanks for $1.68 including tax and it WORKED!! It won't fit in the FOB but it is a spare in case "all else fails" and I can get into the car.
Hey, CHASIEBOY, welcome to PriusChat! :welcome: You should have received two fobs when you bought the car. If your car has SKS, make sure any fob you buy has a silver Toyota oval T on it, the black ones aren't SKS. Good luck!
funny about this. I have read about more losses of FOBS here than anywhere else. I have always gotten two keys with my cars and always seem to misplace one over the years as I dont use it. This time I have one in my wifes car in the hidden box under the cup holder and the same in mine for hers. I have never lost a primary key. When I come inside I have a box in the kitchen that my keys go into daily. It is a habit that works to keep from losing a key. I have used this method for years. I lose my glasses all the time so am paranoid about my wallet and keys. If you only have one key now I would bite the bullet and get one coded as you seem to be prone to losses. It can happen to anyone. It has happened to me before 1000 miles from home! THAT is why I am so paranoid now.
You can buy the Silver logo (SKS) FOB on ebay and have it programed by the dealer. You can also get an uncut key from ebay if you ever plan to use it. I strongly recommend you ask you dealer about programming it before buying it on ebay. I had one programmed for a 2005 pri and a couple dealers refused to program the one i bought on ebay. Perhaps, they were trying to push me to buy one from them.
I wonder if the non SKS programing method works for the SKS fobs? http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...lly-how-program-non-sks-key-fob-detailed.html
Make sure you get the fob with the silver toyota "T" on the back. This is the smart key fob. You must get a fob that has not been used or previously programmed. I bought both used and new unused keys on ebay for under $100 and only the unprogrammed keys were able to be programmed to my car. Only a dealer can program the key to your car with their scan tool. The instructions that say you can do it yourself are not for the SKS system but for an ordinary fob. My dealer charged me $40 to program my new ebay key to my car. Hope this helps!:eyebrows: Ron
YES, you can get the right skilled dealer to reprogram a used SKS keyfob from ebay... I did it, and they programmed all 3 modes (immobilizer, allowing to put it in the slot, lock/unlock buttons, and smart key wireless). Another dealer said they couldn't. If you get a knowledgeable dealer, it CAN be done... I did... $60 used keyfob, $80 programming (full hour for SKS, maybe 1/2hr for non-SKS).