So, today I left my car running for awhile (15 minutes...maybe) with the AC on because I had a dog who I am caring for in the car. I was right there outside the car, but she could not be left alone or outside as there were other dogs and there were behavioral issues as well. So I had the AC on to keep her cool. Again, just in case anybody thinks I left her alone, I was right outside the car. When I got back in the car and started to drive away, the big red triangle light came on, and also the engine light and the tire pressure light. It seemed to drive ok, so I used "B" a lot when going downhill which was most of the way back to the home. I figured maybe I had used most of the charge? When I got back home I turned the car off,and then I turned it on again, to make sure it would hopefully start, which it did. The tire pressure light was gone but the red triangle and the engine light were and are still on when I turn the car on. Did I totally blow out something in my car, or do you suspect it may easily be remedied (I hope it's easily remedied since I'm broke)? The car now has 175k miles. I'm praying for an answer I can afford, which is not much at this point. And yes, I know it was not very bright of me to do that, but I learn from my mistakes. Thanks for your input.
Personally, if it were me, and all seems well, I might just disconnect the 12v aux. battery for a few minutes, which will clear all codes. Then, drive it and see if comes back. Odds are, I am guessing, it will not. Disadvantage, you lose the stored trouble codes -- but if it comes back, so what. Also, sometimes, especially with a car with high mileage, a car may have trouble relearning idle after a disconnect of the 12v, which may force you to have to clean the throttle body and Mass Air Flow sensor. Having said that, I have only had that problem with my Camry's, not the Prius. Another option, would be to drive it for three days and see if the code disappears. My Camrys often throw a CEL every few months and then when the computer does a rescan it goes off. Not to return for several months -- always an O2 sensor code, but there is never anything wrong with the O2 sensor. My Prius, which has around 90K put up all the lights around 40K ago -- before I found this board and two days later they all disappeared. A scan showed a bunch of garbage codes, but nothing of any concern -- according to the local Toyota dealer. Last week, after leaving all doors (including the hatch) open while shampooing carpets and treating rubber seals, the CEL came on and stayed on for two days and then disappeared. I now have a code reader, but have been too lazy to see what was up with that. Anyway, my method is the cheapskate method. I am sure others here will disagree, but as long as you are comfortable knowing you could be left stranded, I would disconnect the 12v and see if it all comes back. A PS: the tire light is a little baffling -- wonder if the 12v could be weak and the "stress" (what stress?) of your action may have caused the ruckus. Might be worth investing some time in that direction....
Read codes. OPtions in my sig. Check 12V health. Pop the hood before bed tonight. In the morning, leave smart key in the house and measure voltage at the jump terminals. Anything less than 12.6V is suspect.
S Keith knows more about all this than I do -- lots more -- heck my Labrador probably knows more. So, I cannot dispute his statement about getting the codes. I just assume that it would be problematic and expensive ($100+) for you to do so. You could try having them read "for free" at a local autoparts store, but the OBD scanners they use do not pick up all the Prius codes so well (don't ask, I can't explain). however, I am leaning more toward the 12v. I assume (and I may be way wrong), that you have no idea how to check the 12v health, but possibly a friend/neighbor/fellow dog owner, has a multimeter and would be glad to help. It is very simple.
first do NOT worry about your traction pack recharging - it'll always take care of itself - and B mode is really just something you don't even need to fiddle with. As to the health of the traction pack that turns on how hard and how hot the vehicle was previously driven. However there are many taxi companies that easily go between 200k & 300k miles on the same pack. As stated above though - some codes will clear when the 12v battery is disconnected. If it won't clear - then it's something more sinister. You're fortunate already. Many times when you get the red triangle of death the car won't even run. The fact you left your AC on for the dog though - that has nothing to do with your car's present condition. That's just coincidental. Unless you have the Toyota scan tool, unfortunately, you won't be able to figure out exactly what it was that caused the fault. Hopefully the 12v aux battery disconnect suggested above works for you .... otherwise yes - you need to see the stealership. .
Stay away from stealorships. Have the12 volt battery tested for free at one of your local auto parts stores. Check your oil. If you never check your oil grab a Bluetooth OBDII Device about $20. connects to most Android phones. reads many codes and clears check engine light also resets car for restart if you run out of gas.
today is friday. i'm sorry you are broke. i suppose all boats don't rise with the tide. i hope it is something simple, all the best.