I have done this to my Tundra. There is a relay that you can pop the top off of and put a piece of paper between the contacts and then the power will stay on when the car is off. Comes in handy when your cell phone goes down and you don't want to have the car on.
Stay in READY, that way you will not drain the tiny 12 volt battery and discover how hard it is to charge.
I'm with Jimbo.......unlike ur Tundra, the Prius has a very small accessory battery that will drain very quickly.
Nope. And to boot, the picture above has the seat removed. It is tight but doable. Would have been better if the battery could be located on the left hand side of the car as well. That way you could jump the car from the street side for us left side drivers. At least the car doesn't need much power to jump it. You could do it with a 12v flashlight.
A jump unit with cables would. a jump unit that plugs into the lighter won't as the power outlets aren't on to use or add power.
I have a two outlet cigarette lighter box with USB ports mounted to the plastic panel of the seats right in front of the battery. The power wire goes from the battery + via an inline fuse holder to a switch mounted right next to the device. This provides 12v power all the time when that switch is on. I use it to charge my phone while the car is parked, and I also leave my tablet plugged into it constantly to keep it at 100%. Despite the tiny 12v battery size- I have never seen it get drained. That's because I pay attention to it, and I know that you can't draw too much without the car in READY mode.
Oh man can you post some pics of what this looks like? And maybe link the 2 port cig lighter box too? One day when I make more friends or i become an Uber driver, my passengers can charge their devices in the back. Thank you!