Have you ever had this experience? Now that there are more Prii on the road, occasionally I actually drive next to one. I'm thinking to myself.."Hey, there's a fellow Prius driver, a soulmate, I should wave or something". But all I get is the catatonic stare with the eyes glazed over. Have the traffic doldrums overcome the Prius Calm? How have your commutes been?
I still get excited when I see one - but I have a real short commute so maybe the numbness just hasn't hit me.
I have had a few good waves, and discussions in parking lots - but yes, most of the looks are zombie-like, straight foward staring when I try to beep and wave at them. Same goes for pre-04 Prii. The best interaction though was just a week or so ago, seeing a Salsa pull out behind me, and noticing that the woman driver was talking to a child and trying to point out to him my car. So, I slowed down and allowed them to pass, as I could see the kid was quite excited to give a wave to me. Once they passed, they beeped and both waved, as I returned the greeting to them. There are a few out there who are paying attention. -m.
I see a fair number of Prii on my commute, but rarely do I get any eye contact. They seem oblivious. A twin to mine, with Temp Tags, roared past me on I66 yesterday. He was coming down an on-ramp, and there was plenty of space in front of me. But, he zipped right down to the end of the merge lane and jammed in. Then he did some weaving and cutting on down the line after he caught the 'clot' of cars that always collects, but I'm sure he was oblivious to me. His brake lights looked like they were trying to send morse code, hehe. I get the feeling that there is a large contingent of people in NoVA who get the cars only for the HOV lane privilidges, and don't have a clue about them otherwise. So, they wind up driving just like they did before. I almost wish they'd drop the HoV free-pass. That would keep people from buying the cars just to 'get over' on the system. It might free up some cars for people who would really appreciate them.
I try to wave whenever I see any hybrid but sometimes the traffic needs more attention. Several times on my trips to Fairfax, VA I have seen an '04 on the Beltway and we usually acknowledge one another. One day it was another Seaside Pearl and we travelled a fair distance together.
Hey Tempus, was that Prius with new tags grey-ish (I'm not sure what the real color was). I saw a Prius with temp tags driving around Bethesda the other day.
So much traffic, must watch road, must get home. No time for waves and smiles. Jerk. :cussing: Kidding. I just don't want to feel like a geek waving to other hybrids. I do give a slight wave if I can, but I-395 is so crowded it is unsafe to look over and wave sometimes.
I'm glad that someone brought this topic up! It's funny, I never gave a second thought to anyone in a Silver Volvo S70 when that's what I was driving, but when I see a Prius I want to smile or wave. I thinks it's because I feel this empathy towards them, like "Hey, I know you waited for so long, me too," kind of thing and maybe a little bit of feeling like I'm not the only geek on the road. Sometimes when I'm squished between and H2 and an Expedition eeeking my way down 101 breathing everyones exhaust, I see a Prius and think "Hey there, come drive next to me buddy! We're the same!" So silly, I know, and I would never smile or wave if it were to compromise my safety or the safety of others. I can also chew gum and skip rope at the same time. :wink: But for the most part I get the catatonic stares, I guess that's why I come here.
I've gotten a few waves here and there myself. Just curious, what does NOVA stand for, and why is it in the topic name? It's probably something really obvious, and hopefully something I didn't skip over reading. The topic caught my eye because I thought it had to do with the Chevy Nova. ~Andrew