Any one know how to get that fan assembly out does it come out the bottom of car or the top its a tight fit for sure
That it is! I took one out last year. I honestly don't remember for sure, but I think I took it loose from the condensor and removed the condensor first. That's what I was trying to get out anyway in order to change the dessicant bag. With a plug on the bottom of the condensor, you'd think you could just access it from the bottom, but uh-uh! I can hear the engineers laughing now, "let's make them pull the condensor"!
Per the repair manual (pages CO-22 to -23) you start by evacuating the refrigerant (never a promising way for a procedure to start). And drain some engine coolant. And disconnect the refrigerant lines and the radiator hoses, but without actually taking the condenser out ... undo the fan bolts and connectors, lift the fan module slightly to disengage it from the radiator/condenser, then drop it down out the bottom. Those were the engineers who were later tapped to design the oil-change access for the Gen 3. -Chap
OH my I was hoping to not have to mess with ac lines and recharging ac any possible way it will come out without ac lines being disconnected
I never had to do it while I owned my Gen 1, but I remember seeing that in the manual and trying to think if there could be any other way, and noticing the core support seems to be bolted on, at least at the top. I was thinking if I ever needed to, I would try unbolting that and seeing if that could create enough clearance. -Chap
Guess I will find out soon already took all bolts and hold downs loose at top on radiator and fans hoses on radiator next will remove cover on bottom of car and see if it comes out may take another day or so glad I got that 2014 prius now I can take my time thanks for the info will let you know what happens
You've brought home an important update for the future of 2001-03 Prius as ... a backup or second car. Because it is subject to longer maintenance/repair periods, the car is probably not the best choice for 'mission critical' (i.e., single work commuting vehicle.) However, if the owner has another car, this can be a nice 'commuter' or 'running for groceries' car. If it needs repair, it is best to have an option for getting to work or getting food. Bob Wilson
Hello to all Update on 2001 radiator fans. can be done like this remove passenger side rad hose from radiator remove brakets from top of radiator support that holds hoses remove hood latch and horn bracket remove top radiator support remove 4 long bolts that hold radiator brackets to radiator this will give you room to work the fan assembly out of the top no ac lines are removed total time to replace fans 1 hr. only one radiator hose on passenger side top taken loose = minimal coolant loss no ac lines removed means no ac work needed a win win sitiation
Great to know! This is up there with astrolink showing fuel injectors can be R+Red without removing the valve cover, and rlin78 showing the brake accumulator can be R+Red without (again) evacuating the A/C. -Chap
Just wanted to say that I managed this on a 2002 Prius. I think there were some differences from the explanation above. Notably I didn't have to remove the horn or hood latch, but I removed the driver's side radiator hose (in addition to the passenger's side) and tucked it under the Hybrid system so that it wasn't pressing against the fan. That also created clearance to access one of the two bolts that holds in the fan assembly. I also removed a large bracket that holds the hybrid system box to the frame, and a grounding wire near the radiator cap (to give me clearance to get to the ring clamp of the passenger radiator hose). The breakthrough of this method, I think, was removing the two radiator mounts (the ones held to the radiator with the 4 long bolts) which gave just enough clearance to push the radiator towards the front of the car and work the fan assembly out. I worked the passenger side up first, turning it, and then taking it out vertically (see picture). I couldn't find any shops selling the fan assemblies so I got a used one off ebay. Auto parts stores all just seem to sell generic fans that you can retrofit into the car.